The Committee on Judicial Ethics responds to written inquiries from New York state’s approximately 3,400 judges, who serve both full- and part-time. The committee’s opinions interpret the Rules Governing Judicial Conduct (22NYCRR, Part 100) and the Code of Judicial Conduct. The committee, comprised of 26 current and retired judges and headed by former Justice George D. Marlow, also answers inquiries about proper campaign conduct from candidates for elective judicial office. The New York Law Journal publishes selected recent opinions of the committee.

Digest: A support magistrate whose spouse is employed by the local Department of Social Services in a high level, purely administrative capacity may continue to preside over matters in which the Department of Social Services appears, where the commissioner has provided written assurance that the support magistrate’s spouse will be completely insulated from Family Court matters. Rules: 22 NYCRR 100.2; 100.2(A); 100.2(B); 100.2(C); 100.3(E)(1); 100.3(F); 100.6(A); Opinions 11-48; 11-47; 10-112; 00-59 (Vol. XIX); 99-173 (Vol. XVIII); 98-138 (Vol. XVII); 98-27 (Vol. XVI).