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PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Keno Young, ap — Motion by the appellant pro se for leave to prosecute an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, entered September 27, 2017, as a poor person, and for the assignment of counsel.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in relation thereto, it isORDERED that on the Court’s own motion, the appellant is directed to show cause before this Court why the appeal should not be dismissed on the ground that the order entered September 27, 2017, is neither appealable as of right nor by permission (see CPL 450.10, 450.20), by filing an affirmation or an affidavit on that issue in the office of the Clerk of this Court on or before April 3, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that the motion is held in abeyance in the interim; and it is further,ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court or her designee is directed to serve a copy of this order to show cause upon the appellant at the appellant’s last known place of residence or, if the appellant is imprisoned, at the institution in which the appellant is confined, upon the attorney who last appeared for the appellant, and upon the District Attorney, by ordinary mail pursuant to CPL 470.60(2).DILLON, J.P., CHAMBERS, HINDS-RADIX and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Dillon, Hinds-Radix and Christopher, JJ.PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Keith Wilkinson, ap — Motion by the respondent to limit the appellant’s access to the transcripts of the proceedings in the above-entitled action by directing that the appellant may read, but is prohibited from copying or retaining the transcripts, or any portion of the transcripts, while preparing his pro se supplemental brief on an appeal from a judgment of the County Court, Westchester County, rendered August 12, 2015, and, in effect, to amend a decision and order on motion of this Court dated August 4, 2017, which granted the appellant’s motion for leave to serve and file a supplemental brief, to provide for the foregoing.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the decision and order on motion of this Court dated August 4, 2017, is amended by deleting the provision thereof directing the Clerk of this Court to deliver the transcripts of the proceedings in the above-entitled action to the person in charge of the institution wherein the appellant is incarcerated for examination by the appellant, and substituting therefor a provision directing the Clerk of this Court to deliver the transcripts to the appellant’s assigned counsel who shall provide reasonable access for the appellant to read the transcripts in assigned counsel’s presence at the institution wherein the appellant is incarcerated, but that assigned counsel shall not permit the appellant to copy the transcripts or retain the transcripts, or any portion of the transcripts, or review the transcripts outside of assigned counsel’s presence, including review the transcripts alone in his cell.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., DILLON, HINDS-RADIX and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur.By Dillon, J.P.; Leventhal, Miller and Maltese, JJ.PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Kleve Panayoty, ap — Motion by the appellant’s assigned counsel on an appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Kings County, rendered April 11, 2016, in effect, to be relieved of the assignment on the ground that the appellant has abandoned the appeal by failing to respond to communications by assigned counsel. By order to show cause dated December 28, 2017, the appellant was directed to show cause before this Court why an order should or should not be made and entered dismissing the appeal on the ground that the appellant had abandoned the appeal, and assigned counsel’s motion was held in abeyance in the interim.Now, upon the order to show cause and no papers having been filed in response thereto, and upon the papers filed in support of assigned counsel’s motion and the papers filed in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion to dismiss the appeal is granted and the appeal is dismissed; and it is further,ORDERED that assigned counsel’s motion is granted.DILLON, J.P., LEVENTHAL, MILLER and MALTESE, JJ., concur.By Dillon, J.P.; Leventhal, Miller and Maltese, JJ.Onewest Bank, N.A., res, v. Donna Schifano, appellant def — Motion by the appellant, in effect, for leave to serve and file a supplemental record containing a power of attorney issued by the FDIC and notarized June 13, 2013, on an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated April 7, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the matter is remitted to the Supreme Court, Westchester County, to report on whether that court considered the power of attorney issued by the FDIC and notarized June 13, 2013, in connection with the motion and the cross motion that were determined by the order dated April 7, 2017; the Supreme Court, Westchester County, shall file its report to this Court with all convenient speed; and it is further,ORDERED that the motion is held in abeyance in the interim.DILLON, J.P., LEVENTHAL, MILLER and MALTESE, JJ., concur.By Rivera, J.P.; Chambers, Roman and Iannacci, JJ.MATTER of Victor Woodard, ap, v. Kathleen G. Gerbing res — Motion by the appellant for leave to prosecute an appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Orange County, dated October 27, 2017, as a poor person and for the assignment of counsel.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the branch of the motion which is for leave to prosecute the appeal on the original papers is granted, and the appeal will be heard on the original papers (including the transcript of the proceedings, if any) and on the briefs of the parties, who are directed to file nine copies of their respective briefs and to serve one copy on each other; and it is further,ORDERED that the branches of the motion which are to waive payment of the filing fee, for free transcripts, and for the assignment of counsel are denied.RIVERA, J.P., CHAMBERS, ROMAN and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.By Rivera, J.P.; Chambers, Roman and Iannacci, JJ.B.Z. Chiropractic, P.C., etc., plf, v. Allstate Insurance Company, def — (Appellate Term Docket Nos. 2015-2956QC, 2016-1958QC; Civil Court Index No. CV-009297/15) — Motion by B.Z. Chiropractic, P.C., for leave to appeal to this Court from an order of the Appellate Term, Second, Eleventh, and Thirteenth Judicial Districts, dated August 18, 2017, which determined an appeal and cross appeal from an order of the Civil Court of the City of New York, Queens County, entered November 19, 2015, and an appeal from an order of the same court entered July 7, 2016.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied.RIVERA, J.P., CHAMBERS, ROMAN and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.By Rivera, J.P.; Miller, Hinds-Radix and Barros, JJ.John Downey, ap, v. Connie T. Cilento, res — Motion by the respondent to dismiss an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Richmond County, dated August 31, 2017, as untimely taken.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted and the appeal is dismissed, without costs or disbursements (see CPLR 5513[a]).RIVERA, J.P., MILLER, HINDS-RADIX and BARROS, JJ., concur.By Rivera, J.P.; Miller, Hinds-Radix and Maltese, JJ.PEOPLE, plf, v. Kathleen Callanan, def — Motion by Carlos A. Pascual for an extension of time to take an appeal from an order of the County Court, Dutchess County, dated November 17, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied without prejudice to serving and filing a notice of appeal in accordance with CPLR 5513 (see Correction Law §168-n[3]).RIVERA, J.P., MILLER, HINDS-RADIX and MALTESE, JJ., concur.By Chambers, J.P.; Cohen, Maltese and Barros, JJ.PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Andrew Kovalsky, ap — Motion by the appellant pro se to be furnished with certain material to aid in the preparation of a supplemental brief on an appeal from a judgment of the County Court, Dutchess County, rendered April 29, 2013.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied without prejudice to renew upon proper papers specifying the issues sought to be raised in connection with the material requested.CHAMBERS, J.P., COHEN, MALTESE and BARROS, JJ., concur.By Mastro, J.P.; Balkin, Cohen and Duffy, JJ.M&T Bank, res, v. Janet P. Capolino, etc., ap — Motion by the appellant to enlarge the time to perfect an appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Dutchess County, dated February 1, 2017, and, in effect, to consolidate that appeal with an appeal from an order of the same court dated March 1, 2016, to deem the appellant’s appendix and briefs filed in connection with the order to be filed in connection with the judgment, and for leave to serve and file a supplemental appellant’s appendix containing the judgment and the notice of appeal from the judgment. Cross motion by the respondent to dismiss the appeal from the judgment for failure to timely perfect and to dismiss the appeal from the order on the ground that the right of direct appeal therefrom terminated upon entry of the judgment (see Matter of Aho, 39 NY2d 241).Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the cross motion, and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, and on or before March 26, 2018, the appellant shall serve and file a supplemental appellant’s appendix containing the judgment and the notice of appeal from the judgment; and it is further,ORDERED that the branch of the cross motion which is to dismiss the appeal from the judgment is denied; and it is further,ORDERED that the branch of the cross motion which is to dismiss the appeal from the order is held in abeyance and referred to the panel of Justices hearing the appeal for determination upon the argument or submission thereof.MASTRO, J.P., BALKIN, COHEN and DUFFY, JJ., concur.By Leventhal, J.P.; Barros, Nelson and Christopher, JJ.J. Maurice Herman ap, v. Franke, Gottsegen, Cox Architects, et al., res — Motion by the appellants for leave to reargue an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated June 26, 2015, which was determined by decision and order of this Court dated November 15, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied, with $100 costs.LEVENTHAL, J.P., BARROS, BRATHWAITE NELSON and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur.By Rivera, J.P.; Miller, Hinds-Radix and Maltese, JJ.PMT NPL Financing 2014-1, res, v. Margaret Goodings, appellant def — Motion by the respondent to dismiss an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, dated March 7, 2017, for failure to timely perfect.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted and the appeal is dismissed, without costs or disbursements (see 22 NYCRR 670.8[e]).RIVERA, J.P., MILLER, HINDS-RADIX and MALTESE, JJ., concur.By Rivera, J.P.; Austin, Connolly and Iannacci, JJ.Mikhail Lipnitsky, ap, v. American Transit Insurance Company, res — Motion by the respondent on an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated July 20, 2017, for leave to reargue its prior motion to dismiss the appeal as untimely taken, which was determined by decision and order on motion of this Court dated December 14, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied.RIVERA, J.P., AUSTIN, CONNOLLY and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.By Dillon, J.P.; Austin, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.Patricia Krupa, ap, v. Parker Jewish Institute for Health and Rehabilitation, et al., res — Separate motions by the respondents to dismiss an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, dated March 8, 2017, on the grounds that the right of direct appeal therefrom terminated upon entry of a judgment of the same court entered October 24, 2017, in the above-entitled action, the record and the appellant’s brief contain or refer to matter dehors the record, and the record is inadequate, or, in the alternative, to enlarge the time to serve and file their respective briefs. Cross motion by the appellant to deem the notice of appeal from the order to be a premature notice of appeal from the judgment.Upon the papers filed in support of the motions and the cross motion, and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the cross motion is granted to the extent that the notice of appeal from the order dated March 8, 2017, is deemed to be a premature notice of appeal from the judgment to the extent that the judgment brings the order up for review (see CPLR 5520[c]), and the cross motion is otherwise denied; and it is further,ORDERED that the branches of the motions which are to dismiss the appeal on the grounds that the record and the appellant’s brief contain or refer to matter dehors the record and the record is inadequate are denied on condition that on or before April 3, 2018, the appellant remove pages 98 and 99 from the copies of the record filed with the Clerk of this Court, serve and file a supplemental record containing the judgment entered October 24, 2017, and the affidavit of service of Maryann Tagliagambe dated November 10, 2016, and serve and file a replacement brief that does not refer to matter dehors the record; and it is further,ORDERED that the branches of the motions which are to dismiss the appeal on the ground that the right of direct appeal from the order terminated upon entry of the judgment is denied; and it is further,ORDERED that the branches of the motions which are to enlarge the respondents’ time to serve and file their respective briefs is granted, the respondents’ time to serve and file their respective briefs is enlarged until May 8, 2018, and the respondents’ briefs shall be served and filed on or before that date.DILLON, J.P., AUSTIN, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.MATTER of Latasha Beauford Simmons, pet-res, v. John Aaron Ford, respondent-res, Malachi S. (Anonymous), nonparty-ap — Appeal by Malachi S. from an order of the Family Court, Kings County, dated April 17, 2017. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the petitioner-respondent to serve and file a brief on the appeal is enlarged until March 28, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that no further enlargement of time shall be granted.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.By Rivera, J.P.; Chambers, Roman and Iannacci, JJ.John T. Walsh Enterprises, LLC, res, v. Grace Christian Church, appellant def — Motion by the respondent to dismiss an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated September 6, 2017, as untimely taken.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied.RIVERA, J.P., CHAMBERS, ROMAN and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.By Dillon, J.P.; Leventhal, Miller and Maltese, JJ.Woodstone Builders, Inc., ap, v. Francine Picudella, res — Motion by the respondent, inter alia, to strike stated portions of the record and the appellant’s brief on an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated March 17, 2017, on the ground that they contain or refer to matter dehors the record. Application by the appellant to withdraw the appeal.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the application, and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is deemed withdrawn, without costs or disbursements; and it is further,ORDERED that the motion is denied as academic.DILLON, J.P., LEVENTHAL, MILLER and MALTESE, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Leventhal, Miller and Brathwaite Nelson, JJ.Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., res, v. Sandra Smith, etc., appellant def — Motion by the respondent to dismiss an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Dutchess County, dated March 20, 2017, for failure to timely perfect.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted and the appeal is dismissed, without costs or disbursements (see 22 NYCRR 670.8[e]).SCHEINKMAN, P.J., LEVENTHAL, MILLER and BRATHWAITE NELSON, JJ., concur.By Rivera, J.P.; Miller, Hinds-Radix and Maltese, JJ.Mark Stern ap, v. Firemans Fund Insurance Company, res — Motion by the respondent to dismiss an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Rockland County, dated October 3, 2017, as untimely taken.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted and the appeal is dismissed, without costs or disbursements (see CPLR 5513[a]).RIVERA, J.P., MILLER, HINDS-RADIX and MALTESE, JJ., concur.By Dillon, J.P.; Chambers, Hinds-Radix and Christopher, JJ.Esther York, res, v. Donald Frank ap — Motion by the appellants to enlarge the time to perfect an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, entered June 6, 2017, and to seal the record on appeal and the parties’ briefs.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the branch of the motion which is to enlarge the time to perfect the appeal is granted, the appellants’ time to perfect the appeal is enlarged until April 3, 2018, and the record or appendix on the appeal and the appellants’ brief shall be served and filed on or before that date; and it is further,ORDERED that the branch of the motion which is to seal the record on appeal and the parties’ briefs is denied with leave to renew upon proper papers including a copy of the sealing order issued by the Supreme Court, Queens County.DILLON, J.P., CHAMBERS, HINDS-RADIX and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.Celeste Wenegieme, ap, v. JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA res — Motion by the respondents, inter alia, to direct the appellant to serve it with a copy of the record on appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, dated April 11, 2017, and March 17, 2017, respectively, and to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the branch of the motion which is to enlarge the respondents’ time to serve and file a brief is granted, the respondents’ time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until April 16, 2018, and the respondents’ brief shall be served and filed on or before that date; and it is further,ORDERED that the motion is otherwise denied.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.Bank of America, NA, res, v. Solomon E. Shami, ap, et al., def — Motion by the respondent to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief on appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, entered September 20, 2016, and dated October 3, 2016, respectively, and to enlarge the record to include two orders of the same court or for this Court to take judicial notice of the orders.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the branch of the motion which is to enlarge the respondent’s time to serve and file a brief is granted, the respondent’s time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until April 3, 2018, and the respondent’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date; and it is further,ORDERED that no further enlargement of time shall be granted; and it is further,ORDERED that the motion is otherwise denied.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.Pennymac Corp., res, v. Shahid Siddiqi, appellant def — Motion by the respondent to dismiss an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, entered May 11, 2017, for failure to timely perfect.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied; and it is further,ORDERED that on the Court’s own motion, the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal is enlarged until April 30, 2018, and the record or appendix on the appeal and the appellant’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.By Dillon, J.P.; Leventhal, Miller and Maltese, JJ.Galasso, Langione & Botter, LLP, etc., ap, v. Anthony P. Galasso, def, Signature Bank, res — (Action No. 1)Galasso, Langione & Botter, LLP appellants v. Signature Bank, respondent def — (Action No. 2)Signature Bank, plf, v. Galasso, Langione & Botter def — (Action No. 3)Wendy Baron res-ap, v. Anthony Galasso appellants-res — (Action No. 4)— 2017-05741Galasso, Langione & Botter, LLP, etc., plaintiff,v Anthony P. Galasso defendants.(Action No. 1)Galasso, Langione & Botter, LLP plaintiffsv Signature Bank, respondent defendants.(Action No. 2)Signature Bank, plaintiff,v Galasso, Langione & Botter defendants.(Action No. 3)Wendy Baron respondents,v Anthony Galasso defendants,James Langione, appellant.(Action No. 4)(Index Nos. 10038/07, 19198/07, 14211/07,1510/09) ‌Motion by Wendy Baron and Stephen Baron, inter alia, to enlarge the time to serve and file their briefs on appeals and a cross appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated September 19, 2016, and an appeal from an order of the same court dated April 5, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the branch of the motion which is to enlarge the time of Wendy Baron and Stephen Baron to serve and file their briefs is granted, and the motion is otherwise denied as premature; and it is further,ORDERED that the time for Wendy Baron and Stephen Baron to serve and file their answering brief, including their points of argument on the cross appeal (see 22 NYCRR 670.8[c][3]), in connection with the order dated September 19, 2016, is enlarged until April 2, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that the time for Wendy Baron and Stephen Baron to serve and file their respondents’ brief in connection with the order dated April 5, 2017, is enlarged until April 2, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that the parties’ remaining briefs shall be served and filed in accordance with the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.8[b], [c][3]).DILLON, J.P., LEVENTHAL, MILLER and MALTESE, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.New York Tile Wholesale Corp. res, v. Thomas Fatato Realty Corp., et al., ap — Application by the appellants Itzhak Katan, Shaya Boymelgreen, Ronald Datato, R & I Garden Corp, and Shaya B. Developers, Inc., to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated July 26, 2016.Upon the stipulation of the attorneys for the respective parties to the appeal dated July 26, 2016, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal by the appellants Itzhak Katan, Shaya Boymelgreen, Ronald Datato, R & I Garden Corp, and Shaya B. Developers, Inc. is deemed withdrawn, without costs or disbursements.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.Esther Sprott, res-ap, v. Ikea New York, LLC appellants- respondents def — Motion by the respondent-appellant to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief on an appeal and cross appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated May 19, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the respondent-appellant’s time to serve and file an answering brief, including the points of argument on the cross appeal (see 22 NYCRR 670.8[c][3]), is enlarged until April 3, 2018, and the answering brief shall be served and filed on or before that date; and it is further,ORDERED that no further enlargement of time shall be granted.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.Keyspan Gas East Corporation, etc., plf, v. Supervisor of Town of North Hempstead, et al., defendants third-party plaintiffs-res, County of Nassau third-party defendants- ap — Motion by the defendants third-party plaintiffs-respondents to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief on an appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated August 17, 2016.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the defendants third-party plaintiffs-respondents’ time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until April 3, 2018, and the defendants third-party plaintiffs-respondents’ brief shall be served and filed on or before that date; and it is further,ORDERED that no further enlargement of time shall be granted.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.Carlos Villada, appellant-res, v. IDB Group, Property & Building Corp., def, 452 Fifth Owners, LLC respondents-appellants res — Motion by the appellant-respondent on an appeal and cross appeals from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, dated December 1, 2016, to enlarge the time to perfect the appeal.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the appellant-respondent’s time to perfect the appeal is enlarged until April 3, 2018, and the joint record or appendix on the appeal and cross appeals (see 22 NYCRR 670.8[c][1]) and the appellant-respondent’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date; and it is further,ORDERED that no further enlargement of time shall be granted; and it is further,ORDERED that the respondents-appellants shall serve and file their respective answering briefs, including the points of argument on the cross appeals, in accordance with the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.8[c][3]).SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.Vassilios Kefalas res-ap, v. Efstathios Valiotis appellants-res — Motion by the appellants-respondents on an appeal and a cross appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated January 26, 2017, to enlarge the time to perfect the appeal.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the appellants-respondents’ time to perfect the appeal is enlarged until April 3, 2018, and the joint record or appendix on the appeal and cross appeal (see 22 NYCRR 670.8[c][1]) and the appellants-respondents’ brief shall be served and filed on or before that date; and it is further,ORDERED that no further enlargement of time shall be granted; and it is further,ORDERED that the respondents-appellants shall serve and file the answering brief, including the points of argument on the cross appeal, in accordance with the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.8[c][3]).SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.By Mastro, J.P.; Leventhal, Barros and Brathwaite Nelson, JJ.Steven Sanders, ap, v. Carolyn Sanders- Morrow res — Motion by the appellant to enlarge the time to serve and file a reply brief on an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated March 6, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the appellant’s time to serve and file a reply brief is enlarged until April 3, 2018, and the reply brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.MASTRO, J.P., LEVENTHAL, BARROS and BRATHWAITE NELSON, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.MATTER of Chad Campbell, ap, v. Tina M. Stanford, etc., res — Motion by the respondent to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief on an appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Dutchess County, dated May 15, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the respondent’s time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until April 3, 2018, and the respondent’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.MATTER of Alan W. Read, pet, v. Theresa L. Egan, res — Motion by the respondent to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief in a proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78 which was transferred to this Court by order of the Supreme Court, Orange County, dated October 14, 2016.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the respondent’s time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until April 3, 2018, and the respondent’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.MATTER of Marash Gjelaj, res, v. Anisa Gjelaj, ap — Appeal by Anisa Gjelaj from an order of the Family Court, Westchester County, dated October 31, 2016. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the attorney for the child to serve and file a brief on the appeal is enlarged until March 26, 2018.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.LaSalle Bank, N.A., etc., ap, v. Catherine DeLice res, et al., def — Motion by the appellant to enlarge the time to perfect an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated February 27, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal is enlarged until April 3, 2018, and the record or appendix on the appeal and the appellant’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.Thomas John, etc., ap, v. George Varughese, etc., res — 2017-05352Thomas John, etc., appellant,v George Varughese, etc., respondent.(Index No. 602306/15) ‌Motion by the appellant, in effect, to enlarge the time to perfect appeals from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, entered March 24, 2017, and a judgment of the same court entered April 26, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted and the appellant’s time to perfect the appeals is enlarged until April 3, 2018.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.MATTER of Arjan Gazaferi pet-res, v. Eden Wilson, res-res — Appeal by Eden Wilson from an order of the Family Court, Richmond County, dated March 16, 2017. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the attorney for the child to serve and file a brief on the appeal is enlarged until April 19, 2018.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.PEOPLE, etc., ap, v. Tomer Chazbani, res — Motion by the appellant to enlarge the time to perfect appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Queens County, dated April 24, 2017, and September 19, 2017, respectively.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, and the appellant’s time to perfect the appeals is enlarged until April 16, 2018.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.MATTER of Angela-Marie C. (Anonymous). Westchester Department of Social Services, petitioner-res, Renee C. (Anonymous), res-res — V-10107-15) — Appeals by Renee C. from two orders of the Family Court, Westchester County, dated March 16, 2017, and April 4, 2017, respectively. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the respondent Toni-Marie B. to serve and file a brief on the appeals is enlarged until March 19, 2018.MATTER of Adam Gonzalez, ap, v. Rachel Santiago, res — Appeals by Adam Gonzalez from two orders of the Family Court, Orange County, both dated October 27, 2016. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the attorney for the child to serve and file a brief on the appeals is enlarged until March 26, 2018.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.MATTER of Jennifer Lallas Stillwell, res, v. Elizabeth Bolin, ap — V-20776-08/16E, V-20776-08/16F) — Appeal by Elizabeth Bolin from an order of the Family Court, Suffolk County, dated June 7, 2017. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the respondent to serve and file a brief on the appeal is enlarged until March 29, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that no further enlargement of time shall be granted.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.MATTER of Latasha Beauford Simmons, pet-res, v. John Aaron Ford, respondent-res, Malachi S. (Anonymous), nonparty-ap — Appeal by Malachi S. from an order of the Family Court, Kings County, dated April 17, 2017. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the respondent-respondent to serve and file a brief on the appeal is enlarged until March 28, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that no further enlargement of time shall be granted.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.MATTER of Esther Masri, res, v. Joseph Masri, ap — (Proceeding No. 1)MATTER of Joseph Masri, ap, v. Esther Masri, res — (Proceeding No. 2) O-3079-15, O-3323-15) — Appeal by Joseph Masri from an order of the Family Court, Orange County, dated April 18, 2017. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal by causing the original papers constituting the record on the appeal to be filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.9[d][2]) and by serving and filing the appellant’s brief on the appeal is enlarged until March 28, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that no further enlargement of time shall be granted.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., etc., res, v. Thomas G. Jaeger, appellant def — Motion by the respondent to dismiss an appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, entered November 30, 2016, for failure to timely perfect.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted and the appeal is dismissed, without costs or disbursements (see 22 NYCRR 670.8[e]).SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Jose Amilcar Bautista Martinez, ap — Motion by the respondent to dismiss, for failure to prosecute, an appeal from a judgment of the County Court, Suffolk County, rendered July 17, 2003, which was deemed abandoned pursuant to 22 NYCRR 670.8(f).Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted and the appeal is dismissed.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Leventhal, Maltese and Brathwaite Nelson, JJ.PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Rawi Rum, ap — Motion by the respondent to dismiss, for failure to prosecute, an appeal from a judgment of the County Court, Westchester County, rendered February 13, 2008, which was deemed abandoned pursuant to 22 NYCRR 670.8(f).Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted and the appeal is dismissed.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., LEVENTHAL, MALTESE and BRATHWAITE NELSON, JJ., concur.MATTER of Majesty M. (Anonymous). Orange County Department of Social Services, petitioner-res, Brandy P. (Anonymous), respondent-appellant res — Appeals by Brandy P. from two orders of the Family Court, Orange County, dated April 24, 2017, and July 10, 2017, respectively. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the appellant’s time to perfect the appeals by causing the original papers constituting the record on the appeals to be filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.9[d][2]) and by serving and filing the appellant’s brief on the appeals is enlarged until March 29, 2018.By Dillon, J.P.; Chambers, Hinds-Radix and Christopher, JJ.PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Daniel Young, ap — Motion by the respondent to dismiss, for failure to prosecute, an appeal from a judgment of the County Court, Westchester County, rendered February 26, 2008, which was deemed abandoned pursuant to 22 NYCRR 670.8(f).Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted and the appeal is dismissed.DILLON, J.P., CHAMBERS, HINDS-RADIX and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur.By Dillon, J.P.; Chambers, Hinds-Radix and Christopher, JJ.Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., res, v. Mohammed Z. Haque, ap, et al., def — Motion by the respondent to dismiss an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Richmond County, dated December 16, 2016, for failure to timely perfect.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted and the appeal is dismissed, without costs or disbursements (see 22 NYCRR 670.8[e]).DILLON, J.P., CHAMBERS, HINDS-RADIX and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur.By Balkin, J.P.; Austin, Sgroi and Brathwaite Nelson, JJ.Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, res, v. Jeewan Gobin, ap, et al., def — Motion by the respondent to dismiss appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, entered August 4, 2016, and August 8, 2016, respectively, for failure to timely perfect.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted and the appeals are dismissed, without costs or disbursements (see 22 NYCRR 670.8[e]).BALKIN, J.P., AUSTIN, SGROI and BRATHWAITE NELSON, JJ., concur.By Dillon, J.P.; Leventhal, Miller and Maltese, JJ.PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Mark Persaud, ap — Motion by the appellant for leave to prosecute an appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, rendered December 13, 2017, as a poor person and for the assignment of counsel.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in relation thereto, it isORDERED that motion is denied as academic in light of a decision and order on application of this Court dated February 26, 2018.DILLON, J.P., LEVENTHAL, MILLER and MALTESE, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., res, v. Ben Tagliarini, etc., appellant def — Motion by the appellant for leave to prosecute an appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated June 29, 2017, as a poor person.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the branch of the motion which is for leave to prosecute the appeal on the original papers is granted, and the appeal will be heard on the original papers (including the transcript of the proceedings, if any) and on the briefs of the parties, who are directed to file nine copies of their respective briefs and to serve one copy on each other; and it is further,ORDERED that the branches of the motion which are to waive payment of the filing fee and for free transcripts are denied.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Rivera, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.U.S. Bank National Association, etc., ap, v. Pedro Nunez respondents def — Motion by the respondents to dismiss an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, dated October 10, 2017, for failure to timely perfect.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied as premature (see 22 NYCRR 670.8[e]).SCHEINKMAN, P.J., RIVERA, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.By Dillon, J.P.; Leventhal, Miller and Maltese, JJ.MATTER of Joseph Gentile, ap, v. Michael Capra, res — Motion by the appellant for leave to prosecute an appeal from an order and judgment (one paper) of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated December 1, 2016, as a poor person and for the assignment of counsel.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the branch of the motion which is for leave to prosecute the appeal on the original papers is granted, and the appeal will be heard on the original papers (including the transcript of the proceedings, if any) and on the briefs of the parties, who are directed to file nine copies of their respective briefs and to serve one copy on each other; and it is further,ORDERED that the branches of the motion which are to waive payment of the filing fee, for free transcripts, and for the assignment of counsel are denied; and it is further,ORDERED that on the Court’s own motion, the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal by causing the original papers constituting the record on the appeal to be filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.9[d][2]), and by serving and filing a brief on the appeal is enlarged until May 1, 2018.DILLON, J.P., LEVENTHAL, MILLER and MALTESE, JJ., concur.By Rivera, J.P.; Dillon, Roman and Iannacci, JJ.PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Jordan Laws, ap — Motion by the appellant’s assigned counsel on an appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Queens County, rendered March 24, 2016, in effect, to be relieved on the ground that the appellant has abandoned the appeal by failing to respond to communications by assigned counsel.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in relation thereto, it isORDERED that on the Court’s own motion, the appellant is directed to show cause before this Court why an order should or should not be made and entered dismissing the appeal on the ground that the appellant has abandoned the appeal, by filing an affirmation or an affidavit on that issue in the office of the Clerk of this Court on or before April 3, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that the motion by assigned counsel, in effect, to be relieved is held in abeyance in the interim; and it is further,ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court or her designee is directed to serve a copy of this order to show cause upon the appellant at his last known place of residence or, if he is imprisoned, at the institution in which he is confined, and upon the attorney who last appeared for him, and upon the District Attorney, by ordinary mail pursuant to CPL 470.60(2).RIVERA, J.P., DILLON, ROMAN and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.By Balkin, J.P.; Maltese, Barros and Connolly, JJ.Citimortgage, Inc., res, v. Michael C. Banks ap, et al., def — Motion by the appellants for leave to reargue an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated January 21, 2016 , which was determined by decision and order of this Court dated November 22, 2017, or, in the alternative, for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeals from the decision and order of this Court.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied, with $100 costs.BALKIN, J.P., MALTESE, BARROS and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.By Priscilla Hall, J.PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Rong He, ap — Motion by the appellant, pursuant to CPL 460.20, for a certificate granting leave to appeal to the Court of Appeals from a decision and order of this Court dated December 27, 2017, which affirmed a judgment of the Supreme Court, Kings County, rendered October 7, 2013.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that leave to appeal to the Court of Appeals from the decision and order of this Court dated December 27, 2017, in the above-entitled case is granted; in my opinion, a question of law has arisen, which ought to be reviewed by the Court of Appeals.By Dillon, J.P.; Leventhal, Miller and Maltese, JJ.Farm Family Casualty Insurance Company, ap, v. Wallart Block & Supply, Inc., et al., def — Motion by the appellant, inter alia, on an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, dated October 20, 2017, to confirm the appeal is not stayed based on the death of the defendant Arthur Grasso, on November 3, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the branch of the motion which is to confirm that the appeal is not stayed based on the death of the defendant Arthur Grasso is granted; and it is further,ORDERED that the motion is otherwise denied as academic.DILLON, J.P., LEVENTHAL, MILLER and MALTESE, JJ., concur.Judith Chin, res, v. Linda L. Palen-Carroll ap — Application by the appellants to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Orange County, dated December 19, 2016.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Felipa Moscoso, res, v. Sean Dawson ap — Appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated September 12, 2017.Upon the stipulation of the attorneys for the respective parties to the appeal dated February 26, 2018, it isORDERED that the appeal is marked withdrawn.Roxanne Caccavo, res, v. Temco Service Industries, Inc. ap — Application by the appellants to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated September 7, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Jae Ok Noh, ap, v. Ki Hwan Kim, res — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated June 12, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Rosemarie Doddy-Melore, res, v. Richard Melore, ap — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Richmond County, dated August 23, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Donald Amadio res, v. Ciardullo Landscapes & Designs, Inc., ap — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated September 29, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.Jansen Barron ap, v. Elsa E. Rivas res — Application by the appellants for leave to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Rockland County, dated April 21, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is deemed withdrawn, without costs or disbursements.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.Anthony Genovese res, v. Louis Guzman ap — Application by the appellants to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated September 7, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Shamma Dieujuste, ap, v. East Ramapo Central School District res — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Rockland County, dated August 25, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Greenpoint Bank, plf, v. Nicholas Destefano, ap, Christine Destefano def, Private Capital Group, LLC, res — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated April 24, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.MATTER of Elci Mejia, res, v. Cornelius Stubbs, ap — Appeal by Cornelius Stubbs from an order of the Family Court, Orange County, dated September 25, 2017. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the attorney for the child to serve and file a brief on the appeal is enlarged until April 5, 2018.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.Rudolph Aiello, Jr., res, v. Grace Carbone, ap — Application to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, dated April 18, 2017.Upon the stipulation of the attorneys for the respective parties to the appeal dated February 27, 2018, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is deemed withdrawn, without costs or disbursements.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.Bank of America, N.A., res, v. Douglas R. Gelish, appellant def — Application by the appellant to withdraw appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, both dated January 5, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.MATTER of Annakeara Stinson, res, v. Forrest Muelrath, ap — Appeal by Forrest Muelrath from an order of the Family Court, Kings County, dated March 31, 2017. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal by causing the original papers constituting the record on the appeal to be filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.9[d][2]) and by serving and filing the appellant’s brief on the appeal is enlarged until April 4, 2018.Mariel Elena Burbano, res, v. Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company, ap — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated September 19, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.State of New York, res, v. Laquila Group, Inc., ap — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated January 17, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Cohen, Duffy and Iannacci, JJ.Amalgamated Bank, res, v. Leon Freue, appellant def — Motion by the appellant to enlarge the time to serve and file a reply brief on appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Kings County, both dated January 3, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the appellant’s time to serve and file a reply brief is enlarged until March 19, 2018, and the reply brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., COHEN, DUFFY and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.MATTER of Thomas Carney, pet, v. Board of Fire Commissioners of the Brendwood Fire District res — Application by the petitioner to withdraw a proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78, which was transferred to this Court by an order of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, dated June 29, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Cohen, Duffy and Iannacci, JJ.Lisa M. Proietto, res, v. Peter Proietto, ap — Motion by the respondent to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief on an appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Orange County, dated December 28, 2016.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the respondent’s time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until April 3, 2018, and the respondent’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., COHEN, DUFFY and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Cohen, Duffy and Iannacci, JJ.Buck Construction & Development, Inc., res, v. Elaine M. Hetzel, etc., ap — Motion by the respondent to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief on an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, dated February 3, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the respondent’s time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until April 3, 2018, and the respondent’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., COHEN, DUFFY and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.NYCTL 1998-2 Trust, etc., appellant-res, v. Daya Jagtiani, etc. res-ap, et al., def — Appeal and cross appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, dated June 28, 2016.Upon the stipulation of the attorneys for the respective parties to the appeal and cross appeal dated February 26, 2018, it isORDERED that the appeal and cross appeal are marked withdrawn.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Cohen, Duffy and Iannacci, JJ.455 Dumont Associates, LLC, ap, v. Rule Realty Corp., res — Motion by the respondent to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief on an appeal from an order and judgment (one paper) of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated October 26, 2016.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the respondent’s time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until March 26, 2018, and the respondent’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., COHEN, DUFFY and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.Michael Quirk, res, v. KND Management ap, et al., def — Applications by the appellants for leave to withdraw appeals from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated July 22, 2016.Upon the papers filed in support of the applications and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the applications are granted and the appeals are deemed withdrawn, without costs or disbursements.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.MATTER of Yosepha K. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-res, Chana D. (Anonymous), respondent-appellant res — (Proceeding No. 1)MATTER of Rivah K. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-res, Chana D. (Anonymous), respondent-appellant res — (Proceeding No. 2) — Appeal by Chana D. from an order of the Family Court, Kings County, dated May 2, 2016. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the attorney for the children to serve and file a brief on the appeal is enlarged until March 28, 2018.By Austin, J.P.; Roman, Miller and Connolly, JJ.HSBC Bank USA, N.A., res, v. Maria Lakas, appellant def — Motion by the appellant, inter alia, to stay enforcement of an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, entered June 23, 2017, pending hearing and determination of an appeal therefrom.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied.AUSTIN, J.P., ROMAN, MILLER and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Leventhal, Cohen and Duffy, JJ.Anonymous (2017-1), res, v. Anonymous (2017-2), ap — Motion by Anonymous (2017-2) for leave to appeal to this Court from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated February 2, 2018, and the transcript of proceedings of the Supreme Court which occurred on January 31, 2018, and, inter alia, to stay Anonymous (2017-1) from bringing the subject children on a certain trip, pending hearing and determination of the appeals.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the branch of the motion which is for leave to appeal is denied; and it is further,ORDERED that on the Court’s own motion, the appeals purportedly taken as of right are dismissed, without costs or disbursements; and it is further,ORDERED that the motion is otherwise denied as academic.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., LEVENTHAL, COHEN and DUFFY, JJ., concur.PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Robert Bolden, ap — (S.C.I. No. 219/16) — Appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Queens County, rendered March 1, 2016.Upon the stipulation of the appellant and the attorneys for the respective parties to the appeal dated February 26, 2018, it isORDERED that the appeal is marked withdrawn.By Austin, J.P.; Roman, Miller and Connolly, JJ.Eugene Kverel res, v. Town of Southampton def, Philip Silverman, ap — 2018-01432Eugene Kverel respondents,v Philip Silverman, appellant.(Index No. 5226/15) ‌Motion by the respondents to dismiss appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, dated August 25, 2015, and March 1, 2016, respectively, on the ground that they were rendered academic by an order of the same court dated December 11, 2017. Cross motion by the appellant to stay all proceedings in the above-entitled action, pending hearing and determination of appeals from the three orders, and to calendar the appeals from the orders dated August 25, 2015, and March 1, 2016, together with the appeal from the order dated December 11, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the cross motion, and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is held in abeyance and referred to the panel of Justices hearing the appeals for determination upon the argument or submission thereof; and it is further,ORDERED that the branch of the cross motion which is to stay all proceedings in the above-entitled action is denied; and it is further,ORDERED that the branch of the cross motion which is to calendar the appeals together is granted, and the appeals will be calendared together and will be argued or submitted on the same date.AUSTIN, J.P., ROMAN, MILLER and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.Wells Fargo Bank, etc., res, v. Sheron Dundas, appellant def — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, dated February 10, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Jacqueline v. Robinson, etc., res, v. Good Samaritan Hospital ap, et al., def — Application by the appellant Shahram D. Shamekh to withdraw his appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, dated August 30, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application by the appellant Shahram D. Shamekh is granted and the appeal by the appellant Shahram D. Shamekh is marked withdrawn.Miguel Verduga, res, v. L & M 2180, LLC ap — Application by the appellants to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, dated June 29, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Nechadim Corp., res, v. Davie Simmons, etc., ap, et al., def — Application by the appellant pursuant to 22 NYCRR 670.8(d)(2) to enlarge the time to serve and file a reply brief on appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, dated October 26, 2016, and June 26, 2017, respectively.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted, the appellant’s time to serve and file a reply brief is enlarged, and the reply brief submitted to the Clerk of the Court is accepted for filing and deemed timely served.Amanda Garcia, etc., plf, Alondra Garcia, etc. res, v. Cassandra Sit, appellant def — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Orange County, dated March 20, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Sally Dewinkeleer plf, v. Portland Stoneware Packaging Co., Inc., et al., ap, Dennis Richmond res — Application by the appellants to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Dutchess County, dated August 14, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.By Dillon, J.P.; Austin, Miller and Hinds-Radix, JJ.MATTER of Bella S. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner- res, Sarah S. (Anonymous), respondent- appellant res — Motion by the petitioner-respondent, inter alia, for leave to reargue an appeal from an order of the Family Court, Kings County, dated September 15, 2016, which was determined by decision and order of this Court dated February 14, 2018.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied.DILLON, J.P., AUSTIN, MILLER and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur.Beth Krieger, res-ap, v. Fairview Owners Corp. appellants- res — Appeal and cross appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, dated September 14, 2017.Upon the stipulation of the attorneys for the respective parties to the appeal and cross appeal dated February 22, 2018, it isORDERED that the appeal and cross appeal are marked withdrawn.HSBC Bank USA, N.A., res, v. Junior Harris, etc., appellant def — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, dated August 3, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Alberico Itri plf, v. Donald N. Summers def, Joseph J. Tricarico ap — Application by the appellants to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated October 19, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Mohammed Aboulissan, res-ap, v. Kingsland 79, LLC, appellant-res — Application by the respondent-appellant to withdraw a cross appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated April 20, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the cross appeal is marked withdrawn.Rosamarie D. Calandrino, ap, v. Professional Security Consultants, et al., res — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated July 18, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Lorenzo Grippo, plf-res, v. Michael Demello, def-res, AV Design & Integration, etc., ap — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated December 5, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Jeffrey Reyes, res, v. Laura Simonelli, et al., ap — Application by the appellants to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, dated January 29, 2018.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Philip Caruso res, v. Sal and Mike, Inc., etc., ap — Application by the appellant to withdraw appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Richmond County, dated October 31, 2017, and November 1, 2017, respectively.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeals are marked withdrawn.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.Maria-Lucia Anghel, appellant-res, v. Ruskin Moscou Faltischek, P.C. respondents-ap — Application by the respondents-appellants for leave to withdraw a cross appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated May 8, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the cross appeal is deemed withdrawn, without costs or disbursements.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.Antonio Molina, etc. res, v. Jonathan Z. Berkowitz def, Westchester Health Care Corporation ap — Application by the appellants to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated October 18, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Antonio Molina, etc. res, v. Jonathan Z. Berkowitz def, Westchester Health Care Corporation ap — Application by the appellants to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated October 26, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.MATTER of Shahnaz Murshed, ap, v. Syed Rahman, res — (Proceeding No. 1)MATTER of Syed Rahman, res, v. Shahnaz Murshed, ap — (Proceeding No. 2) — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Family Court, Nassau County, dated May 31, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.MATTER of Jayla K. (Anonymous), ap — On the Court’s own motion, it isORDERED that the order on certification of this Court dated February 27, 2018, in the above-entitled case is recalled and vacated, and the following order on certification is substituted therefor:Appeals by Jayla K. from two orders of the Family Court, Dutchess County, both dated January 2, 2018. Pursuant to Family Court Act §§1118 and 1120, and upon the certification of Paul I. Weinberger, Esq., dated January 28, 2018, it isORDERED that pursuant to Family Court Act §1120, the following named attorney is assigned as the attorney for the child on the appeals:Dawn Shammas, Esq.600 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 400Harrison, NY 10528917-609-2975and it is further,ORDERED that Paul I. Weinberger, Esq., is directed to turn over all papers in the proceeding to the new attorney for the child herein assigned; and it is further,ORDERED that the appeals will be heard on the original papers (including a certified transcript of the proceedings, if any) and on the briefs of the attorney for the child and the respondent(s). The parties are directed to file nine copies of their respective briefs and to serve one copy on each other (22 NYCRR 670.9[d][1][ii]; Family Ct Act §1116); and it is further,ORDERED that the stenographer(s) and/or the transcription service(s) is/are required promptly to make and certify two transcripts of the proceedings, if any, except for those minutes previously transcribed and certified (22 NYCRR 671.9); in the case of stenographers, both transcripts shall be filed with the clerk of the Family Court, and the clerk of the Family Court shall furnish one of such certified transcripts to the attorney for the child, without charge; in the case of transcription services, one transcript shall be filed with the clerk of the Family Court and one transcript shall be delivered to the attorney for the child. The attorney for the child is directed to provide copies of said transcripts to all of the other parties to the appeals, when the attorney for the child serves a brief upon those parties; and it is further,ORDERED that attorney for the child shall serve a copy of this order upon the clerk of the court from which the appeals are taken; and it is further,ORDERED that the appeals in the above-entitled proceeding shall be perfected either within 60 days after the receipt by the attorney for the child of the transcripts of the minutes of the proceedings in the Family Court, and the attorney for the child shall notify this Court by letter of the date the transcripts are received, or, if there are no minutes of proceedings to be transcribed, within 60 days of the date of this order; and it is further,ORDERED that within 30 days after the date of this order, the attorney for the child shall file in the office of the Clerk of this Court one of the following:(1) an affidavit or affirmation stating that there are no minutes of any Family Court proceeding to be transcribed for the appeals; or(2) if there are such minutes, an affidavit or affirmation stating that the transcripts have been received, and indicating the date received; or(3) if the transcripts have not been received, an affidavit or affirmation stating that this order has been served upon the clerk of the court from which the appeals are taken, the date thereof, and the date by which the transcripts are expected; or(4) an affidavit or an affirmation withdrawing the appeals; and it is further,ORDERED that if none of the above actions described in (1), (2), (3), or (4) above, has been taken within 30 days of the date of this order, the Clerk of this Court shall issue an order to all parties to the appeals to show cause why the appeals should or should not be dismissed.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.MATTER of Claudio E. Vielma, ap, v. Jennifer Santiago, res — Appeal by Claudio E. Vielma from an order of the Family Court, Nassau County, dated November 6, 2017.On the Court’s own motion, it isORDERED that the parties are directed to show cause before this Court why an order should or should not be made and entered dismissing the appeal in the above-entitled proceeding on the ground that no appeal lies from an order entered upon the consent of the appealing party (see CPLR 5511), by each filing an affirmation or affidavit on that issue in the office of the Clerk of this Court and serving one copy of the same on each other on or before March 29, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court, or her designee, is directed to serve a copy of this order to show cause upon the parties by regular mail.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.Order on Applicationreleased on:March 2, 2018In the Matter of Applications for Extensions of Time — Parties in the following causes have filed applications pursuant to 22 NYCRR 670.8(d)(2) to extend the time to perfect or to serve and file a brief. Upon the papers filed in support of the applications, it is ORDERED that the applications are granted and the following parties in the following causes are granted the specified extensions of time:Aboulissan v. Kingsland 79, LLC, 2017-07469, Kingsland 79, LLC, March 29, 20181Accent Landscape Services, LLC v. Yellowstone Capital, LLC, 2017-09855, Accent Landscape Services, LLC; Lester C. Day, March 22, 2018Alliger-Bograd v. Bograd, 2017-06355, Neal Bograd, March 12, 2018Amer v. City of New York, 2017-06460, City of New York; NYC DOT (New York City Department of Transportation); NYC DOS (New York City Department of Sanitation), March 19, 20181Boucan NYC Café, LLC v. 467 Rogers, LLC, 2017-11329, Boucan NYC Café, LLC, March 15, 2018CCJ, LLC v. Shiel Holdings, LLC, 2017-10955, CCJ, LLC; Chaim Jalas; Chaim Halberstam, March 23, 2018Coehlo v. 85 Flatbush, LLC, 2017-09707, Felipe Coehlo; Delila Cunha Figueredor, April 27, 20181Espinoza v. DFC Development Corp., 2017-12466, DFC Development Corp.; Maxim Builders, Inc., April 16, 2018Fuchs v. Long Beach Medical Center, 2018-01800, Long Beach Medical Center, April 16, 2018Gurewitz v. City of New York, 2017-01350, Haks Group, Inc., April 9, 2018JNG Construction Ltd v. Roussopoulos, 2017-06738, JNG Construction Ltd, April 23, 20181Modugno v. Bovis Lend Lease Interiors, Inc., 2018-00658, Onofrio Modugno, March 28, 2018Nationstar Mortgage, LLC v. Cavallaro, 2017-06974 +1, Nationstar Mortgage, LLC, March 19, 2018Nero v. Fiore, 2016-03258, Mike Tai Nero, March 13, 2018People v. Falls, Raiquan, 2017-02700 +1, People of State of New York, March 8, 2018People v. Lowe, David, 2014-04891, David Lowe, March 26, 2018Photonics Industries International, Inc. v. Xiaojie Zhao, 2017-04866, Photonics Industries International, Inc., March 15, 2018Rabasco v. Westchester County Healthcare Corporation, 2017-11034 +1, Joseph M. Rabasco, May 7, 20181Roizman v. Stromer, 2017-04228, Saul R. Stromer;Saul R. Stromer, M.D. P.C., March 27, 20181Rosado v. K & Y Management Corp., 2017-08998, K & Y Management Corp., April 23, 2018Sawyer v. New York City Transit Authority, 2017-10544, Keith Sawyer, May 7, 2018Socci v. Socci, 2016-11279, Stephen Socci, March 15, 20181St. John’s University, New York v. Trager, 2017-05924, St. John’s University, New York, March 26, 2018Suntrust Mortgage, Inc. v. Foster, 2017-05296, Suntrust Mortgage, Inc., April 23, 20181US Bank National Association v. Eisler, 2018-01437, US Bank National Association, April 11, 2018Vederosa v. County of Suffolk, 2017-09702, Salvatore Vederosa; Linda Vederosa, April 30, 2018Woodhaven Terrace Inc. v. Woodhaven Assets Co., 2017-09932, Mehra Law Group, P.C.; Raja Karan Mehra, Esq., April 30, 2018

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