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By Mastro, J.P.; Chambers, Sgroi and Cohen, JJ.PEOPLE, res, v. Claude Schirmer, ap — Motion by the appellant’s assigned counsel on an appeal from an order of the County Court, Suffolk County, dated June 26, 2017, in effect, to be relieved on the ground that no appeal lies from an order entered upon the consent of the appealing party. By order to show cause dated January 8, 2018, the appellant was directed to show cause before this Court why an order should or should not be made and entered dismissing the appeal on the ground that no appeal lies from an order entered upon the consent of the appealing party and the motion by assigned counsel to be relieved was held in abeyance in the interim. Separate motion by the appellant’s assigned counsel to be relieved and to dismiss the appeal.Now, upon the order to show cause and no papers having been filed in response thereto, and upon the papers filed in support of the motions by the appellant’s assigned counsel and the papers filed in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the Court’s motion to dismiss the appeal is granted, and the appeal is dismissed, without costs or disbursements (see CPLR 5511); and it is further,ORDERED that the motion by assigned counsel, in effect, to be relieved is granted; and it is further,ORDERED that the separate motion by assigned counsel is denied as academic.MASTRO, J.P., CHAMBERS, SGROI and COHEN, JJ., concur.By Mastro, J.P.; Rivera, Austin and Lasalle, JJ.Maria-Lucia Anghel, etc., ap, v. Ruskin Moscou Faltischek, P.C. res — Motion by the appellant pro se on an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated May 8, 2017, to waive compliance with the requirements of 22 NYCRR 670.10.2(f) regarding certification of the record on appeal.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted.MASTRO, J.P., RIVERA, AUSTIN and LASALLE, JJ., concur.By Mastro, J.P.; Rivera, Austin and Lasalle, JJ.MATTER of Andrew John Matos, res, v. Melissa Ann Leland, ap — Appeal by Melissa Ann Leland from an order of the Family Court, Suffolk County, dated October 6, 2017. By order to show cause dated February 28, 2018, the parties were directed to show cause before this Court why an order should or should not be made and entered dismissing the appeal in the above-entitled proceeding for failure to comply with a   dated January 18, 2018, issued pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]).Now, upon the order to show cause and the papers filed in response thereto, it isORDERED that the motion to dismiss the appeal is granted, and the appeal is dismissed, without costs or disbursements, for failure to comply with the   dated January 18, 2018, issued pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]).MASTRO, J.P., RIVERA, AUSTIN and LASALLE, JJ., concur.MATTER of Wilson Toro, ap, v. Tekoa Williams, res — Appeal by Wilson Toro from an order of the Family Court, Richmond County, dated January 29, 2018. The appellant’s brief was filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court on April 6, 2018. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that within 30 days of the date of this  , the briefs for the respondent and the attorney for the child in the above-entitled appeal shall be served and filed.MATTER of Anthe Poulos, res, v. Lawrence Chachere, ap — Appeal by Lawrence Chachere from an order of the Family Court, Queens County, dated September 5, 2017. The appellant’s brief was filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court on April 6, 2018. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the respondent’s brief shall be served and filed within 30 days of the date of this  .MATTER of Ilda Lliguicota, res, v. Cesar Calva, ap — Appeal by Cesar Calva from an order of the Family Court, Kings County, dated November 17, 2017. Pursuant to §670.9(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal by causing the original papers constituting the record on the appeal to be filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.9[a][2]) and by serving and filing the appellant’s brief on the appeal is enlarged until May 25, 2018.Thomas Reilly, res, v. Cheryl Lynn Hager-Reilly, ap — Appeals by Cheryl Lynn Hager-Reilly from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, entered September 1, 2017, and an order of the same court dated August 24, 2017.Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the attorney for the child to serve and file a brief on the appeals is enlarged until May 14, 2018.MATTER of Latasha Beauford Simmons, pet-res, v. John Aaron Ford, respondent-res, Malachi S. (Anonymous), nonparty-ap — Appeal by Malachi S. from an order of the Family Court, Kings County, dated April 17, 2017. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the appellant to serve and file a reply brief is enlarged until April 23, 2018.MATTER of Jahlhon C. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-res, Candace C. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 1)MATTER of Latifah C. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-res, Candace C. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 2)MATTER of Alaynia C. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-res, Candace C. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 3)MATTER of Ciara C. J. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-res, Candace C. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 4)MATTER of Jahiem C. J. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-res, Candace C. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 5)MATTER of Darius C. J. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-res, Candace C. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 6)MATTER of Dontres C. J. (Anonymous). petitioner-res, Candace C. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 7)MATTER of Danazia C. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-res, Candace C. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 8) N-24551-16, N-24552-16, N-24553-16, N-24554-16, N-24555-16, N-24556-16) — Appeal by Candace C. from an order of the Family Court, Queens County, dated January 17, 2018. By order on certification of this Court dated March 12, 2018, the following attorney was assigned as counsel for the appellant on the appeal:Jennifer Arditi69-06 Grand AvenueMaspeth, NY 11378718-426-0444By letter dated April 9, 2018, the assigned counsel has informed this Court that the appellant wishes to proceed with the appeal. Pursuant to §670.4(a) of the rules of this Court (22 NYCRR 670.4[a]), it isORDERED that the appeal in the above-entitled proceedings shall be perfected either within 60 days after the receipt by the assigned counsel of the transcripts of the minutes of the proceedings in the Family Court, and the assigned counsel shall notify this Court by letter of the date the transcripts are received, or, if there are no minutes of proceedings to be transcribed, within 60 days of the date of this  ; and it is further,ORDERED that within 30 days after the date of this  , the assigned counsel shall file in the office of the Clerk of this Court one of the following:(1) an affidavit or affirmation stating that there are no minutes of any Family Court proceeding to be transcribed for the appeal; or(2) if there are such minutes, an affidavit or affirmation stating that the transcript has been received, and indicating the date received; or(3) if the transcript has not been received, an affidavit or affirmation stating that the order on certification of this Court dated March 12, 2018, has been served upon the clerk of the court from which the appeal is taken, the date thereof, and the date by which the transcript is expected; or(4) an affidavit or an affirmation withdrawing the appeal; and it is further,ORDERED that if none of the above actions described in (1), (2), (3), or (4) above, has been taken within 30 days of the date of this  , the Clerk of this Court shall issue an order to all parties to the appeal to show cause why the appeal should or should not be dismissed.MATTER of Majesty M. (Anonymous). Orange County Department of Social Services, petitioner-res, Brandy P. (Anonymous), respondent-appellant res — Appeals by Brandy P. from two orders of the Family Court, Orange County, dated April 24, 2017, and July 10, 2017, respectively. The appellant’s brief was filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court on April 5, 2018. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that within 30 days of the date of this order, the briefs for the respondent and the attorney for the child in the above-entitled appeals shall be served and filed.MATTER of Erika G. A. (Anonymous), etc. SCO Family of Services, petitioner- res, Anthony J. F. (Anonymous), etc., respondent-appellant res — Appeal by Anthony J. F., a/k/a Anthony F., from an order of the Family Court, Queens County, dated April 12, 2017. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the attorney for the child to serve and file a brief on the appeal is enlarged, and the brief submitted to the Clerk of this Court is accepted for filing and deemed timely served.MATTER of Jessica Grady, res, v. John Consolazio, ap — Appeal by John Consolazio from an order of the Family Court, Richmond County, dated December 28, 2017. By   dated February 23, 2018, the appellant was directed to file one of the following in the office of the Clerk of the Court, within 30 days after the date of the  :(1) an affidavit or affirmation stating that there were no minutes of the Family Court proceedings to be transcribed for the appeal; or(2) if there were such minutes, an affidavit or affirmation stating that the transcript was received, and indicating the date that it was received; or(3) if the transcript was not received, an affidavit or affirmation stating that it was ordered and paid for, the date thereof, and the date by which the transcript was expected; or(4) an affidavit or an affirmation withdrawing the appeal.The appellant has failed to comply with the  . Pursuant to §670.4(a)(5) of the rules of this Court (22 NYCRR 670.4[a][5]), it isORDERED that the parties are directed to show cause before this Court why an order should or should not be made and entered dismissing the appeal in the above-entitled proceeding for failure to comply with the   dated February 23, 2018, by each filing an affirmation or affidavit on that issue in the office of the Clerk of this Court and serving one copy of the same on each other on or before May 4, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court, or her designee, is directed to serve a copy of this order to show cause upon the parties by regular mail.MATTER of Jasiah T-V. S. J. (Anonymous), ap — Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-res, Shatesse J. (Anonymous), res-res — Appeal by Jasiah T-V. S. J. from an order of the Family Court, Kings County, dated June 23, 2017. Pursuant to §670.9(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal by causing the original papers constituting the record on the appeal to be filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.9[a][2]) and by serving and filing the appellant’s brief on the appeal is enlarged until May 25, 2018.MATTER of Arthur Janvier, ap, v. Marcia Janvier, res — Appeal by Arthur Janvier from an order of the Family Court, Richmond County, dated December 22, 2017. By   dated February 23, 2018, the appellant was directed to file one of the following in the office of the Clerk of the Court, within 30 days after the date of the  :(1) an affidavit or affirmation stating that there were no minutes of the Family Court proceedings to be transcribed for the appeal; or(2) if there were such minutes, an affidavit or affirmation stating that the transcript was received, and indicating the date that it was received; or(3) if the transcript was not received, an affidavit or affirmation stating that it was ordered and paid for, the date thereof, and the date by which the transcript was expected; or(4) an affidavit or an affirmation withdrawing the appeal.The appellant has failed to comply with the  . Pursuant to §670.4(a)(5) of the rules of this Court (22 NYCRR 670.4[a][5]), it isORDERED that the parties are directed to show cause before this Court why an order should or should not be made and entered dismissing the appeal in the above-entitled proceeding for failure to comply with the   dated February 23, 2018, by each filing an affirmation or affidavit on that issue in the office of the Clerk of this Court and serving one copy of the same on each other on or before May 4, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court, or her designee, is directed to serve a copy of this order to show cause upon the parties by regular mail.MATTER of Katherine Kearney, ap, v. John J. Kearney, Jr., res — V-11742-17/17A, V-11743-17/17A) — Appeal by Katherine Kearney from an order of the Family Court, Suffolk County, dated January 5, 2018. By   dated February 23, 2018, the appellant was directed to file one of the following in the office of the Clerk of the Court, within 30 days after the date of the  :(1) an affidavit or affirmation stating that there were no minutes of the Family Court proceedings to be transcribed for the appeal; or(2) if there were such minutes, an affidavit or affirmation stating that the transcript was received, and indicating the date that it was received; or(3) if the transcript was not received, an affidavit or affirmation stating that it was ordered and paid for, the date thereof, and the date by which the transcript was expected; or(4) if the appellant was indigent and could not afford to obtain the minutes or perfect the appeal, a motion in this Court for leave to prosecute the appeal as a poor person and for the assignment of counsel, pursuant to the requirements of CPLR 1101; or(5) an affidavit or an affirmation withdrawing the appeal.The appellant has failed to comply with the  . Pursuant to §670.4(a)(5) of the rules of this Court (22 NYCRR 670.4[a][5]), it isORDERED that the parties are directed to show cause before this Court why an order should or should not be made and entered dismissing the appeal in the above-entitled proceeding for failure to comply with the   dated February 23, 2018, by each filing an affirmation or affidavit on that issue in the office of the Clerk of this Court and serving one copy of the same on each other on or before May 4, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court, or her designee, is directed to serve a copy of this order to show cause upon the parties by regular mail.MATTER of Hugo Santos, res, v. Anna Maria Rivera, ap — Appeal by Anna Maria Rivera from an order of the Family Court, Orange County, dated January 3, 2018. By   dated February 28, 2018, the appellant was directed to file one of the following in the office of the Clerk of the Court, within 30 days after the date of the  :(1) an affidavit or affirmation stating that there were no minutes of the Family Court proceedings to be transcribed for the appeal; or(2) if there were such minutes, an affidavit or affirmation stating that the transcript was received, and indicating the date that it was received; or(3) if the transcript was not received, an affidavit or affirmation stating that it was ordered and paid for, the date thereof, and the date by which the transcript was expected; or(4) an affidavit or an affirmation withdrawing the appeal.The appellant has failed to comply with the  . Pursuant to §670.4(a)(5) of the rules of this Court (22 NYCRR 670.4[a][5]), it isORDERED that the parties are directed to show cause before this Court why an order should or should not be made and entered dismissing the appeal in the above-entitled proceeding for failure to comply with the   dated February 28, 2018, by each filing an affirmation or affidavit on that issue in the office of the Clerk of this Court and serving one copy of the same on each other on or before May 4, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court, or her designee, is directed to serve a copy of this order to show cause upon the parties by regular mail.MATTER of Genella Lintao, ap, v. Richard Delgado, res — Appeal by Genella Lintao from an order of the Family Court, Kings County, dated August 17, 2017. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the attorney for the child to serve and file a brief on the appeal is enlarged until May 10, 2018.MATTER of Saad A. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-res, Umda M. (Anonymous), respondent-appellant res — Appeal by Umda M. from an order of the Family Court, Queens County, dated October 11, 2017. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the petitioner-respondent and the attorney for the child to serve and file their respective briefs on the appeal is enlarged until May 14, 2018.MATTER of Elijah Q. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-appellant; Malisa Q. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 1)MATTER of Jimmy Q. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-appellant; Malisa Q. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 2)MATTER of Rosa Evelyn Q. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-appellant; Malisa Q. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 3)MATTER of Yvette Q. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-appellant; Malisa Q. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 4)MATTER of Alisa E. Q. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-appellant; Malisa Q. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 5)MATTER of Evelyn J. Q. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-appellant; Malisa Q. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 6)MATTER of Maribel Q. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-appellant; Malisa Q. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 7) N-5115-17, N-5113-17, N-5117-17, N-5112-17) — Appeal by Administration for Children’s Services from an order of the Supreme Court, Richmond County, dated December 19, 2017. Pursuant to §670.9(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal by causing the original papers constituting the record on the appeal to be filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.9[a][2]) and by serving and filing the appellant’s brief on the appeal is enlarged until May 25, 2018.Marash Gjelaj, res, v. Anisa Gjelaj, ap — Appeal by Anisa Gjelaj from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated April 26, 2017. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal by causing the original papers constituting the record on the appeal to be filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.9[d][2]) and by serving and filing the appellant’s brief on the appeal is enlarged until May 9, 2018.By Balkin, J.P.; Barros, Iannacci and Christopher, JJ.MATTER of Piper S. (Anonymous). Westchester County Department of Social Services, petitioner-res, Victoria S. (Anonymous), res-ap, et al., res — Motion by the appellant to stay enforcement of an order of the Family Court, Westchester County, dated February 14, 2018, and to return the subject child to her care and custody, pending hearing and determination of an appeal from the order.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied.BALKIN, J.P., BARROS, IANNACCI and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.MATTER of Piper S. (Anonymous). Westchester County Department of Social Services, petitioner-res, Victoria S. (Anonymous), res-ap, et al., res — Appeal by Victoria S. from an order of the Family Court, Westchester County, dated February 14, 2018. Pursuant to Family Court Act §§1118 and 1120, and upon the certification of Christina T. Hall, dated March 12, 2018, it isORDERED that the respondent-appellant is granted leave to proceed as a poor person on the appeal, and the following named attorney is assigned as counsel to prosecute the appeal:William Martin44 Church StreetWhite Plains, NY 10601914-771-7711and it is further,ORDERED that assigned counsel shall promptly attempt to contact the respondent-appellant at the address provided by this Court, and on or before April 26, 2018, shall notify the Case Manager assigned to the appeal, in writing, that he has done so and that either(1) the respondent-appellant is interested in prosecuting the appeal, or(2) the respondent-appellant is not interested in prosecuting the appeal, or that he has been unable to contact the respondent-appellant, and wishes to be relieved of the assignment; and it is further,ORDERED that the appeal will be heard on the original papers (including a certified transcript of the proceedings, if any) and on the briefs of the respondent-appellant, the respondent, and the attorney for the child, if any. The parties are directed to file nine copies of their respective briefs and to serve one copy on each other (22 NYCRR 670.9[d][1][ii]; Family Ct Act §1116); and it is further,ORDERED that the stenographer(s) and/or the transcription service(s) is/are required promptly to make and certify two transcripts of the proceedings, if any, except for those minutes previously transcribed and certified (22 NYCRR 671.9); in the case of stenographers, both transcripts shall be filed with the clerk of the Family Court, and the clerk of the Family Court shall furnish one of such certified transcripts to the respondent-appellant’s assigned counsel, without charge; in the case of transcription services, one transcript shall be filed with the clerk of the Family Court and one transcript shall be delivered to the respondent-appellant’s assigned counsel. Assigned counsel is directed to provide copies of said transcripts to all of the other parties to the appeal, including the attorney for the child, if any, when counsel serves the respondent-appellant’s brief upon those parties; and it is further,ORDERED that the assigned counsel shall prosecute the appeal expeditiously in accordance with any   or orders issued pursuant to §670.4(a) of the rules of this Court (22 NYCRR 670.4[a]); and it is further,ORDERED that upon a determination that the respondent-appellant is interested in proceeding with the appeal, the assigned counsel is directed to serve a copy of this order upon the clerk of the court from which the appeal is taken.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.By Balkin, J.P.; Barros, Iannacci and Christopher, JJ.Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., res, v. Viviene Davis, appellant def — Motion by the appellant to stay the foreclosure sale of the subject premises, pending hearing and determination of an appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Queens County, entered September 14, 2016.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied.BALKIN, J.P., BARROS, IANNACCI and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Hinds-Radix, Lasalle and Connolly, JJ.Robert Ardouin, res, v. Castel Simon, ap — Motion by the appellant on appeals from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, entered October 5, 2017, and a judgment of the same court entered February 8, 2018, to stay enforcement of the judgment, pending hearing and determination of the appeals.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that on the Court’s own motion, the appeal from the order is dismissed, without costs or disbursements, on the ground that no appeal lies from the portion of the order which denied reargument and the right of direct appeal from the remainder of the order terminated upon entry of the judgment (see Matter of Aho, 39 NY2d 241); and it is further,ORDERED that the motion is granted to the extent that the respondent is stayed from taking any steps to collect or effect turnover of any funds covering the amounts awarded in the judgment, pending hearing and determination of the appeal from the judgment on condition that the appeal from the judgment is perfected on or before May 14, 2018, and the motion is otherwise denied; and it is further,ORDERED that in the event the appeal is not perfected on or before May 14, 2018, the Court, on its own motion, may vacate the stay, without further notice, or the respondent may move to vacate the stay, on three days notice.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., HINDS-RADIX, LASALLE and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.By Balkin, J.P.; Barros, Iannacci and Christopher, JJ.Lisa Hopkins, res, v. Simon Hopkins, ap — Motion by the appellant to stay enforcement of a judgment of the Supreme Court, Putnam County, dated April 7, 2016, pending hearing and determination of an appeal therefrom, to enlarge the time to perfect the appeal, for leave to prosecute the appeal as a poor person, and for the assignment of counsel.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the branch of the motion which is to enlarge the time to perfect the appeal is granted, the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal is enlarged until May 30, 2018, and the record or appendix on the appeal and the appellant’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date; and it is further,ORDERED that the motion is otherwise denied.BALKIN, J.P., BARROS, IANNACCI and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur.MATTER of Aliyah T. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-res, Jaivon T. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 1)MATTER of Adrianna H. (Anonymous). Administration for Childrens Services, petitioner-res, Jaivon T. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 2) — Appeals by Jaivon T. from three orders of the Family Court, Richmond County, one dated March 29, 2017, and two dated June 30, 2017. The appellant’s brief was filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court on April 4, 2018. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that within 30 days of the date of this  , the briefs for the petitioner-respondent and the attorney for the children in the above-entitled appeals shall be served and filed.MATTER of Bishop Frank Best, ap, v. Melvina Grace, res — V-208061-15, V-208062-15) — Appeal by Bishop Frank Best from an order of the Family Court, Queens County, dated March 30, 2017. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal by causing the original papers constituting the record on the appeal to be filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.9[d][2]) and by serving and filing the appellant’s brief on the appeal is enlarged until May 3, 2018.MATTER of Eliyahu C. Poltorak, res, v. Bella Poltorak, ap — (Proceeding No. 1)MATTER of Bella Poltorak, ap, v. Eliyahu C. Poltorak, res — (Proceeding No. 2) V-12525-17, V-24393-17, V-26509-17) — Appeals by Bella Poltorak from three orders of the Family Court, Kings County, dated September 19, 2017, September 20, 2017, and October 11, 2017, respectively. The appellant’s brief was filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court on April 9, 2018. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that within 30 days of the date of this order, the briefs for the respondent and the attorneys for the children in the above-entitled appeals shall be served and filed.MATTER of Victoria B. (Anonymous). Westchester County Department of Social Services, petitioner-res, Jonathan M. (Anonymous), res-ap, et al., res — Appeal by Jonathan M. from an order of the Family Court, Westchester County, dated August 30, 2017. The appellant’s brief was filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court on April 9, 2018. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that within 30 days of the date of this order, the briefs for the respondent and the attorney for the child in the above-entitled appeal shall be served and filed.  MATTER of Cynthia M. v. (Anonymous). SCO Family of Services, petitioner-res, Jose v. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 1)MATTER of Angelo R. v. (Anonymous). SCO Family of Services, petitioner-res, Jose v. (Anonymous), res-res — (Proceeding No. 2) V-20163/12) — Appeals by Jose V. from three orders of the Family Court, Kings County, dated October 19, 2016, February 28, 2017, and March 20, 2017, respectively, and cross appeals by Angelo R. V. and Cynthia M. V., from the orders dated February 28, 2017, and March 20, 2017. The appellant-respondent’s brief was filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court on April 5, 2018. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the respondent-appellant’s brief shall be served and filed within 30 days of the date of this  .By Roman, J.P.; Sgroi, Maltese and Iannacci, JJ.Jamie Turndorf, plf, v. Walbridge Farm, LLC def — Motion by Jamie Turndorf for leave to appeal to this Court from an order of the Supreme Court, Dutchess County, dated March 1, 2018, and, inter alia, to enjoin the respondents from terminating her leasehold, pending hearing and determination of the appeal.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the branch of the motion which is for leave to appeal is denied; and it is further,ORDERED that the motion is otherwise denied as academic.ROMAN, J.P., SGROI, MALTESE and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.By Roman, J.P.; Sgroi, Maltese and Iannacci, JJ.Goshen Mortgage, LLC, etc., res, v. Carmine Depalma ap, et al., def — Motion by the appellants, inter alia, to stay the sale of the subject premises, pending hearing and determination of an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated January 12, 2018.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that on the Court’s own motion, the notice of appeal from the order is deemed to be a notice of appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated January 12, 2018 (see CPLR 5512[a]); and it is further,ORDERED that the motion is denied.ROMAN, J.P., SGROI, MALTESE and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.By Roman, J.P.; Sgroi, Maltese and Iannacci, JJ.Robert Easley, res, v. U Haul ap — Motion by the appellants to stay the trial in the above-entitled action pending hearing and determination of an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, entered November 22, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied.ROMAN, J.P., SGROI, MALTESE and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.By Dillon, J.P.; Sgroi, Hinds-Radix, Nelson and Iannacci, JJ.PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Jaquelle James, ap — Motion by the appellant’s assigned counsel to be relieved on an appeal from a judgment of the County Court, Orange County, rendered August 18, 2014. The appellant was granted poor person relief by decision and order on motion of this Court dated November 9, 2016, and by decision and order on motion of this Court dated February 28, 2018, in accordance with Anders v. California (386 US 738) former assigned counsel was relieved and Kenyon C. Trachte, 372 Fullerton Avenue, Box #19, Newburgh, NY 12550, was assigned as counsel to prosecute the appeal. Separate motion by the appellant pro se to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief.Upon the papers filed in support of the motions and the papers filed in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motions are granted; and it is further,ORDERED that Kenyon C. Trachte is relieved as counsel and directed to turn over all papers in the action to new counsel herein assigned; and it is further,ORDERED that pursuant to County Law §722 the following named attorney is assigned as counsel to prosecute the appeal:Richard L. Herzfeld112 Madison Avenue, 8th FloorNew York, NY 10016and it is further,ORDERED that upon service of a copy of this decision and order on motion upon it, the Department of Probation is hereby authorized and directed to provide assigned counsel with a copy of the presentence report prepared in connection with the defendant’s sentencing, including the recommendation sheet and any prior reports on the defendant which are incorporated or referred to in the report, and to provide additional copies to this Court upon demand; and it is further,ORDERED that the appellant’s time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until June 12, 2018, and the appellant’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date; and it is further,ORDERED that on the Court’s own motion, the respondent’s time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until July 12, 2018, and the respondent’s brief, if any, shall be served and filed on or before that date; and it is further,ORDERED that assigned counsel is directed to serve a copy of this decision and order on motion upon the clerk of the court from which the appeal is taken; and it is further,ORDERED that the appellant’s supplemental brief shall be served and filed on or before June 13, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that the appellant shall file nine copies of the supplemental brief and serve one copy on the District Attorney.DILLON, J.P., SGROI, HINDS-RADIX, BRATHWAITE NELSON and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.By Roman, J.P.; Sgroi, Maltese and Iannacci, JJ.MATTER of Angela Rinaldi, res-ap, v. Neal S. Comer, appellant-res — Motion by the appellant-respondent to stay the trial in the above-entitled action pending hearing and determination of an appeal and a cross appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated March 8, 2018.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is denied.ROMAN, J.P., SGROI, MALTESE and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Hinds-Radix, Lasalle and Connolly, JJ.U.S. Bank, NA, etc., res, v. Mildred Boehm, ap — Motion by the respondent to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief on an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated February 2, 2017, and, in effect, for leave to correct the copies of the record on appeal on file with the Clerk of this Court to include certain missing documents.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted; and it is further,ORDERED that the respondent’s time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until May 14, 2018, and the respondent’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date; and it is further,ORDERED that on or before May 14, 2018, the respondent shall cause the missing documents, which are annexed to the affirmation of Geraldine A. Cherverko dated February 16, 2018, as Exhibits Q and R to be inserted into the copies of the record on appeal on file with the Clerk of this Court.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., HINDS-RADIX, LASALLE and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Hinds-Radix, Lasalle and Connolly, JJ.Hilda Hutchinson, ap, v. Green Tree Servicing, LLC res — Motion by the appellant pro se for leave to prosecute an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated June 14, 2017, on the original papers, to waive compliance with the requirements of 22 NYCRR 670.10.2(f) regarding certification of the record or appendix on appeal, and for an exemption of the fee for the transfer of the original papers to the Clerk of this Court from the clerk of the Supreme Court, Kings County.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the branch of the motion which is for leave to prosecute the appeal on the original papers is granted, and the appeal will be heard on the original papers (including the transcript of the proceedings, if any) and on the briefs of the parties, who are directed to file nine copies of their respective briefs and to serve one copy on each other; and it is further,ORDERED that the branch of the motion which is to waive compliance with the requirements of 22 NYCRR 670.10.2(f) regarding certification of the record or appendix on appeal is denied as unnecessary; and it is further,ORDERED that the branch of the motion which is for an exemption of the fee for the transfer of the original papers to the Clerk of this Court from the clerk of the Supreme Court, Kings County is denied without prejudice to seeking relief in the Supreme Court, Kings County.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., HINDS-RADIX, LASALLE and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.MATTER of Amber L. M. (Anonymous). Suffolk County Department of Social Services, petitioner-res, Cheryl M. (Anonymous) respondents-ap — (Proceeding No. 1)MATTER of Devon M. N. (Anonymous). Suffolk County Department of Social Services, petitioner-res, Cheryl M. (Anonymous) respondents-ap — (Proceeding No. 2) B-1145-17, B-1147-17) — Separate appeals by Cheryl M. and Richard N. from an order of the Family Court, Suffolk County, dated June 6, 2017. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the time for the appellant Cheryl M. to serve and file a brief on her appeal is enlarged, and the brief submitted to the Clerk of this Court is accepted for filing and deemed timely served.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Hinds-Radix, Lasalle and Connolly, JJ.Liev, LLC, res, v. Ray Alfred Jones, appellant def — Motion by the appellant pro se for leave to prosecute appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Kings County, both dated July 25, 2017, as a poor person. Application by the appellant pursuant to 22 NYCRR 670.8(d)(2) to enlarge the time to perfect the appeals.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the application, and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the branch of the motion which is for leave to prosecute the appeals on the original papers is granted, and the appeals will be heard on the original papers (including the transcript of the proceedings, if any) and on the briefs of the parties, who are directed to file nine copies of their respective briefs and to serve one copy on each other; and it is further,ORDERED that the branches of the motion which are to waive payment of the filing fee and for free transcripts are denied; and it is further,ORDERED that the application is granted, and the appellant’s time to perfect the appeals by causing the original papers constituting the record on the appeals to be filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.9[d][2]), and by serving and filing a brief on the appeals is enlarged until June 11, 2018.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., HINDS-RADIX, LASALLE and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Hinds-Radix, Lasalle and Connolly, JJ.Muzaffar Jamal, ap, v. Caroline Gardens Tenants Corporation, res — Motion by the appellant to enlarge the time to serve and file a reply brief on an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, dated March 27, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the appellant’s time to serve and file a reply brief is enlarged until April 23, 2018, and the reply brief shall be served and filed on or before that date; and it is further,ORDERED that no further enlargement of time shall be granted.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., HINDS-RADIX, LASALLE and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Hinds-Radix, Lasalle and Connolly, JJ.Eusebio Calero, ap, v. Statewide Storage Systems, Inc., res — Motion by the appellant to enlarge the time to perfect an appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Kings County, entered April 27, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal is enlarged until June 11, 2018, and the record or appendix on the appeal and the appellant’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date; and it is further,ORDERED that no further enlargement of time shall be granted.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., HINDS-RADIX, LASALLE and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.By Balkin, J.P.; Barros, Iannacci and Christopher, JJ.Joseph Becker, ap, v. 1711 Rear Lot Yorktown, LLC res — Motion by the appellant to enlarge the time to perfect an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated January 12, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal is enlarged until May 14, 2018, and the record or appendix on the appeal and the appellant’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date; and it is further,ORDERED that no further enlargement of time shall be granted.BALKIN, J.P., BARROS, IANNACCI and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Hinds-Radix, Lasalle and Connolly, JJ.Patricia McNally, ap, v. Edward McNally, res — 2017-02909Patricia McNally, appellant,v Edward McNally, respondent.(Index No. 20701/01) ‌Motion by the appellant to enlarge the time to perfect appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, both dated February 1, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, and the time to perfect the appeals is enlarged until June 11, 2018; and it is further,ORDERED that no further enlargement of time shall be granted.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., HINDS-RADIX, LASALLE and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Hinds-Radix, Lasalle and Connolly, JJ.Letitia Beckles, etc., plf-res, v. Erik Fred ap, Roger Payne, et al., def-res — Motion by the appellants on an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Orange County, dated December 14, 2016, to extend the time to comply with a decision and order on motion of this Court dated December 6, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, and on or before April 27, 2018, the appellants shall remove page 771 from the copies of the record on appeal filed with this Court and replace that page with a copy of the same document found on that page which does not contain handwritten notations.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., HINDS-RADIX, LASALLE and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Hinds-Radix, Lasalle and Connolly, JJ.MATTER of John Nadler ap, v. City of New York res — Motion by the appellants to enlarge the time to serve and file a reply brief on appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Queens County, dated January 26, 2016, and entered July 1, 2016, respectively.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the appellants’ time to serve and file a reply brief is enlarged until April 23, 2018, and the reply brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., HINDS-RADIX, LASALLE and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.By Roman, J.P.; Sgroi, Maltese and Iannacci, JJ.PEOPLE, etc., ap, v. Julio Garcia, res — Motion by the respondent to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief on appeals from two orders of the County Court, Putnam County, dated July 12, 2017, and July 21, 2017, respectively.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the respondent’s time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until April 20, 2018, and the respondent’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.ROMAN, J.P., SGROI, MALTESE and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.By Balkin, J.P.; Barros, Iannacci and Christopher, JJ.BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP, etc., res, v. Gregorio Alvarado appellants def — Motion by the respondent to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief on an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, entered June 8, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the respondent’s time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until May 4, 2018, and the respondent’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.BALKIN, J.P., BARROS, IANNACCI and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur.By Balkin, J.P.; Barros, Iannacci and Christopher, JJ.MATTER of Mary OGrady, pet, v. Jay Kiyonaga, etc., res — Motion by the respondent to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief in a proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78, which was transferred to this Court by order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated June 28, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the respondent’s time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until May 14, 2018, and the respondent’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.BALKIN, J.P., BARROS, IANNACCI and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Hinds-Radix, Lasalle and Connolly, JJ.A. G., Jr., etc. res, v. Pocantico Hills Central School District, ap — Motion by the respondents to enlarge the time to serve and file a brief on an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated August 9, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the respondents’ time to serve and file a brief is enlarged until May 14, 2018, and the respondents’ brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., HINDS-RADIX, LASALLE and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Hinds-Radix, Lasalle and Connolly, JJ.St. Lucys Cathedral Old Roman Catholic Church, res, v. Sacred Heart of Jesus English Rite Catholic Church, Inc. ap — Motion by the appellants to enlarge the time to perfect an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated April 4, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the appellants’ time to perfect the appeal is enlarged until May 14, 2018, and the record or appendix on the appeal and the appellants’ brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., HINDS-RADIX, LASALLE and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.By Balkin, J.P.; Barros, Iannacci and Christopher, JJ.JP Morgan Chase Bank, National Association, res, v. Sigal Gottlieb, etc., ap, et al., def — Motion by the appellant to enlarge the time to perfect appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Queens County, both dated June 28, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the papers filed in opposition thereto, it isORDERED that the motion is granted, the appellant’s time to perfect the appeals is enlarged until May 14, 2018, and the record or appendix on the appeals and the appellant’s brief shall be served and filed on or before that date.BALKIN, J.P., BARROS, IANNACCI and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur.MATTER of Nicholas Petraglia III, ap, v. Maria Petraglia, res — Appeal by Nicholas Petraglia III from an order of the Family Court, Queens County, dated November 29, 2017. The appellant’s brief was filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court on April 10, 2018. Pursuant to §670.4(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the respondent’s brief shall be served and filed within 30 days of the date of this  .MATTER of Adam Gonzalez, ap, v. Rachel Santiago, res — Appeal by Adam Gonzalez, from an order of the Family Court, Orange County, dated August 30, 2017. Pursuant to §670.9(a)(2) of the rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.4[a][2]), it isORDERED that the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal by causing the original papers constituting the record on the appeal to be filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.9[a][2]) and by serving and filing the appellant’s brief on the appeal is enlarged until May 16, 2018.PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Ramesh Palaniandi, ap — Appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Queens County, dated September 16, 2015, and September 11, 2017, respectively.Upon the stipulation of the appellant and the attorneys for the respective parties to the appeals dated April 10, 2018, it isORDERED that the appeals are marked withdrawn.Jorge Torres Leon, res, v. Peter J. Wong, ap — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated September 19, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Brain Sigler, res, v. Club Med Sales, Inc. appellants def — Application by the appellants to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated June 26, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Mi S. Jang, ap, v. Vincent Derosa res — Appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated October 12, 2017.Upon the stipulation of the attorneys for the respective parties to the appeal dated April 5, 2018, it isORDERED that the appeal is marked withdrawn.Esther Renee Bauer, res, v. Village of Croton on Hudson, ap — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated September 27, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.Maureen Campos, etc., ap, v. SV Operating Three, LLC, etc., res — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated September 24, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.Daicy Silva res, v. City of New York def, CIJED, LLC, ap — Application by the appellant for leave to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated July 7, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is deemed withdrawn, without costs or disbursements.SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.Bank of America, N.A., res, v. Adnan Mirza, appellant def — Appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated May 19, 2016.Upon the stipulation of the attorneys for the respective parties to the appeal dated April 10, 2018, it isORDERED that the appeal is marked withdrawn.Nationstar Mortgage, LLC, res, v. Santos L. Villanueva, etc. ap — Application by the appellants to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County, dated January 19, 2018.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.MATTER of Kwaku Quartey, petitioner- ap, v. Latanya Genise Van Buren, res, Kamiya-Lynn Q. (Anonymous), nonparty-ap — (Proceeding No. 1)MATTER of Latanya Genise Van Buren, res, v. Kwaku Quartey, respondent- appellant; Kamiya-Lynn Q. (Anonymous), nonparty-ap — (Proceeding No. 2) — Application by the nonparty-appellant on separate appeals from an order of the Family Court, Kings County, dated September 8, 2017, to withdraw her appeal.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal by the nonparty-appellant is marked withdrawn.MATTER of The Miness Family Trust Dated October 10, 1988. Saul Fenchel, petitioner-res, Mark Miness objectants-ap — (Proceeding No. 1)MATTER of The Miness Family Trust Dated October 10, 1988. Francis W. Deegan, petitioner-res, Mark Miness objectants-ap — (Proceeding No. 2) (File Nos. 2012-369167/B, 2012-369167/A) — Application by the objectants-appellants to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Surrogate’s Court, Nassau County, dated January 24, 2017.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal by the objectants-appellants is marked withdrawn.By Roman, J.P.; Sgroi, Maltese and Iannacci, JJ.Bank of America, N.A., plf-res, v. Barry S. Cord, etc., ap, 19 East 80th Street Associates, LLC, defendant-res, et al., def — Motion by the appellant, in effect, to consolidate appeals from two orders of the Supreme Court, Dutchess County, both dated September 14, 2015, with appeals from an order and a judgment of the same court dated July 10, 2017, and July 11, 2017, respectively, to deem the record and briefs filed in connection with the appeals from the orders dated September 14, 2015, to be filed in connection with the appeals from the order dated July 10, 2017, and the judgment, for leave to serve and file a supplemental brief raising additional issues in connection with the appeals from the order dated July 10, 2017, and the judgment, and a supplemental record containing the order dated July 10, 2017, the judgment, the notices of appeal from order dated July 10, 2017, and the judgment, and any additional papers constituting the record for the appeals from the order dated July 10, 2017, and the judgment which are not contained in the record filed in connection with the appeals from the orders dated September 14, 2015. Application by the appellant pursuant to 22 NYCRR 670.8(d)(2) to enlarge the time to perfect the appeals from the order dated July 10, 2017, and the judgment.Upon the papers filed in support of the motion and the application, and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the motion and the application are granted, the appeals are consolidated, and on or before May 14, 2018, the appellant shall serve and file a supplemental brief raising additional issues in connection with the appeals from the order dated July 10, 2017, and the judgment, and a supplemental record containing the order dated July 10, 2017, the judgment, the notices of appeal from order dated July 10, 2017, and the judgment, and any additional papers constituting the record for the appeals from order dated July 10, 2017, and the judgment which are not contained in the record filed in connection with the appeals from the orders dated September 14, 2015.ROMAN, J.P., SGROI, MALTESE and IANNACCI, JJ., concur.MATTER of Emily Convers appellants-res, v. County of Orange, et al., res, Orange County Board of Elections, res-res — Application by the appellants-respondents on an appeal and a cross appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Dutchess County, dated May 30, 2017, to withdraw their appeal.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.U.S. Bank National Association, etc., res, v. Robert Tousignant, appellant def — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated September 27, 2016.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.US Bank, NA, res, v. Robert Tousignant, appellant def — Application by the appellant to withdraw an appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Nassau County, dated September 4, 2016.Upon the papers filed in support of the application and no papers having been filed in opposition or in relation thereto, it isORDERED that the application is granted and the appeal is marked withdrawn.By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Dillon and Balkin, JJ.Jizelle Correa, etc., res, v. Geddis Abel-Bey, etc. ap — Appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Queens County, entered December 2, 2016.On the Court’s own motion, it isORDERED that the order on application of this Court entitled “[i]n the Matter of Applications for Extensions of Time,” dated March 5, 2018, is amended by deleting from the “Title” entry concerning the above-entitled matter the title “J.C. v. Abel-Bey” and substituting therefor the title “Correa v. Abel-Bey,” and by deleting from the “Applicant Name(s)” entry concerning the above-entitled matter the name “J.C.” and substituting therefor the name “Jizelle Correa.”SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVERA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.

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