Mo. No. 2024-511. IN THE MATTER OF MARINA C., res, v. DARIO D., app. (AND OTHER RELATED PROCEEDINGS.) — Motion for leave to appeal denied. Mo. No. 2024-789. THE PEOPLE &C., res, v. JAMES EVERSON, app — Motion for assignment of counsel granted and Bradley E. Keem, Esq., c/o Keem Appeals, PLLC, 333 East Onondaga Street, Suite 311, Syracuse, NY 13202 assigned as counsel to the appellant on the appeal herein. Mo. No. 2024-767. VITO J. FOSSELLA, ET AL., res, v. ERIC ADAMS, &C. ET AL., def, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, app, HINA NAVEED, ET AL., int-app — Motion by Richard Briffault, et al. for leave to file a brief amici curiae on the appeal herein granted and the proposed brief is accepted as filed. The brief must be submitted in digital format within seven days. Mo. No. 2024-768. VITO J. FOSSELLA, ET AL., res, v. ERIC ADAMS, &C. ET AL., def, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, app, HINA NAVEED, ET AL., int-app — Motion by Common Cause New York for leave to file a brief amicus curiae on the appeal herein granted and the proposed brief is accepted as filed. Two copies of the brief must be served, an original and nine copies filed, and the brief submitted in digital format within seven days. Mo. No. 2024-769. VITO J. FOSSELLA, ET AL., res, v. ERIC ADAMS, &C. ET AL., def, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, app, HINA NAVEED, ET AL., int-app — Motion by Ron Hayduk for leave to file a brief amicus curiae on the appeal herein granted and the proposed brief is accepted as filed. Two copies of the brief must be served, an original and nine copies filed, and the brief submitted in digital format within seven days. Mo. No. 2024-770. VITO J. FOSSELLA, ET AL., res, v. ERIC ADAMS, &C. ET AL., def, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, app, HINA NAVEED, ET AL., int-app — Motion by New York Civil Liberties Union for leave to appear amicus curiae on the appeal herein granted to the extent that the proposed brief is accepted as filed. The brief must be submitted in digital format within seven days. Mo. No. 2024-776. VITO J. FOSSELLA, ET AL., res, v. ERIC ADAMS, &C. ET AL., def, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, app, HINA NAVEED, ET AL., int-app — Motion by Demos for leave to file a brief amicus curiae on the appeal herein granted and the proposed brief is accepted as filed. Two copies of the brief must be served, an original and nine copies filed, and the brief submitted in digital format within seven days. Mo. No. 2024-778. THE PEOPLE &C., res, v. HENRY FUENTES, app — Motion by Scott Lockwood for leave to appear amicus curiae on the appeal herein granted to the extent that the proposed brief is accepted as filed. Two copies of the brief must be served, an original and nine copies filed, and brief submitted in digital format within seven days. Mo. No. 2024-780. THE PEOPLE &C., res, v. HENRY FUENTES, app — Motion by District Attorneys Association of the State of New York for leave to appear amicus curiae on the appeal herein granted to the extent that the proposed brief is accepted as filed. Two copies of the brief must be served, an original and nine copies filed, and brief submitted in digital format within seven days. Mo. No. 2024-794. THE PEOPLE &C., res, v. HENRY FUENTES, app — Motion by The Legal Aid Society for leave to appear amicus curiae on the appeal herein granted to the extent that the proposed brief is accepted as filed. Two copies of the brief must be served, an original and nine copies filed, and brief submitted in digital format within seven days. Mo. No. 2024-660. IN THE MATTER OF FEIFEI GU, app, v. LETITIA JAMES, &C. ET AL., res — On the Court’s own motion, appeal transferred, without costs, to the Appellate Division, First Department, upon the ground that a direct appeal does not lie (see NY Const, art VI, §§3 [b] [2], 5 [b]; CPLR 5601 [b] [2]). Motion for a stay dismissed as academic. Mo. No. 2024-527. IN THE MATTER OF DELBERT W. HARGIS, JR., app, v. VICTORIA PRITTY-PITCHER, res — Motion for leave to appeal denied. Judge Troutman took no part. Mo. No. 2024-777. THE PEOPLE &C., res, v. MITCHELL HERNANDEZ, app — Motion by District Attorneys Association of the State of New York for leave to file a brief amicus curiae on the appeal herein granted and the proposed brief is accepted as filed. Two copies of the brief must be served, an original and nine copies filed, and the brief submitted in digital format within seven days. Judge Halligan took no part. SSD 45. IN THE MATTER OF IOANNIS KANTARAKIAS, app, v. HYUN CHIN KIM, &C., res — Appeal dismissed without costs, by the Court sua sponte, upon the ground that no appeal lies as of right from the unanimous judgment of the Appellate Division absent the direct involvement of a substantial constitutional question (see CPLR 5601). Mo. No. 2024-774. IN THE MATTER OF NYP HOLDINGS, INC., ET AL., res, v. NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT ET AL., res, POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, INC., int-app — Motion by The Innocence Project, Inc. for leave to file a brief amicus curiae on the appeal herein granted and the proposed brief is accepted as filed. Two copies of the brief must be served, an original and nine copies filed, and the brief submitted in digital format within seven days. Mo. No. 2024-787. IN THE MATTER OF NYP HOLDINGS, INC., ET AL., res, v. NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT ET AL., res, POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, INC., int-app — Motion by NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. for leave to appear amicus curiae on the appeal herein granted to the extent that the proposed brief is accepted as filed. Two copies of the brief must be served, an original and nine copies filed, and the brief submitted in digital format within seven days. Mo. No. 2024-788. IN THE MATTER OF NYP HOLDINGS, INC., ET AL., res, v. NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT ET AL., res, POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, INC., int-app — Motion by Common Cause New York, et al. for leave to file a brief amici curiae on the appeal herein denied (see Rules of Ct of Appeals [22 NYCRR] §500.23 ["Amicus curiae relief will be denied where acceptance of the amicus curiae submission may cause the recusal or disqualification of one or more Judges of the Court"]). Judge Halligan took no part. Mo. No. 2024-804. IN THE MATTER OF NYP HOLDINGS, INC., ET AL., res, v. NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT ET AL., res, POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, INC., int-app — Motion by Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, et al. for leave to file a brief amici curiae on the appeal herein granted and the proposed brief is accepted as filed. Two copies of the brief must be served, an original and nine copies filed, and the brief submitted in digital format within seven days. SSD 47. GINA ROBINSON, app, v. FASHION DISTRICT DENTAL, ET AL., res — Appeal dismissed without costs, by the Court sua sponte, upon the ground that it does not lie (see NY Const, art VI, §3 [b]; CPLR 5601). SSD 46. IN THE MATTER OF ROBERT SHERR, app, v. DAVID F. EVERETT, &C., res — Appeal dismissed without costs, by the Court sua sponte, upon the ground that no appeal lies as of right from the unanimous judgment of the Appellate Division absent the direct involvement of a substantial constitutional question (see CPLR 5601). SSD 44. ARI TEMAN, app, v. ERIC BRAVERMAN, &C., ET AL., res, ET AL., def — Appeal, insofar as taken from the November 2023 Appellate Division order, dismissed without costs, by the Court sua sponte, upon the ground that no appeal lies from an Appellate Division order dismissing an appeal 1