Alan Feigenbaum

Alan Feigenbaum

October 10, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Reconciling the Law of 'Cohabitation' With Social Realities

"Whatever your position is, DRL §248 remains unchanged and the Ceppos decision reminds us what it means to identify that statute as an alimony termination event in a divorce settlement agreement. If you mean to include something else in a divorce settlement agreement, make sure to be as specific as possible."

By Alan Feigenbaum

7 minute read

September 25, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Confidentiality Orders in Divorce Have Teeth

Blank Rome partner Alan Feigenbaum discusses the recent decision by Justice Kathleen Waterman-Marshall in 'J.N. v. T.N.,' to highlight the importance of taking court orders seriously.

By Alan Feigenbaum

7 minute read

September 11, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Lawyers Have a Civic Duty To Be Vocal

"To the mind of this author, the civic duty of a lawyer goes beyond understanding the underpinnings of a democratic system of government and advocating for clients on a case-by-case basis. Instead, I submit that the civic duty of a lawyer includes the need to engage in a dialogue—a civil dialogue—about what is happening in the world around us."

By Alan Feigenbaum

5 minute read

August 21, 2024 | New York Law Journal

A Divorce Court's Primer on Requesting Sole Custody

Alan Feigenbaum, partner at Blank Rome, discusses the need to expand our views of domestic violence beyond physical violence, including the use of language in communications, be it by email, text message, or, as in the recent case L.W. v. J.U., communications via an app.

By Alan Feigenbaum

6 minute read

July 26, 2024 | New York Law Journal

The State of New York Divorce Practice

In this article, Alan Feigenbaum questions whether New York matrimonial courts have been provided with the resources necessary to protect children of divorce. He has polled some members of the Bar, as well as a retired judge, to get their views on the matter. To conclude, he shares his own views as well.

By Alan Feigenbaum

10 minute read

June 28, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Email Exchanges in Divorce Litigation Carry Immense Risk

Alan Feigenbaum, partner at Blank Rome, writes: As divorce lawyers, we must choose our words carefully, particularly in emails. The J.G. decision is a reminder that how we choose our words can carry enormous consequences in the outcome of a matrimonial case.

By Alan Feigenbaum

7 minute read

June 04, 2024 | New York Law Journal

When There Are No Custody Heartstrings To Pull

There is something about parental arguments over children, otherwise known as custody disputes in the matrimonial arena, that generate a spectrum of emotions not seen in the context of disputes over dollars.

By Alan Feigenbaum

8 minute read

May 01, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Adultery, Fault Divorce, and Morals: A Complex Cocktail

If fault divorce in New York is hardly ever deployed, does any of this really matter? Yes, it does. First, as divorce lawyers, we should not applaud a system that allows for even the remote possibility of a fault-based divorce claim being used as a weapon that can, in turn, wreak havoc on a family, not to mention unnecessarily escalate legal fees.

By Alan Feigenbaum

6 minute read

March 29, 2024 | New York Law Journal

A Divorce Court Prioritizes a Family's Best Interests

Alan Feigenbaum discusses the recent decision in J.H. v. C.H. He writes: "I couldn't help but smile in complete satisfaction from start to finish, because in this case, a divorce court did what we, as matrimonial lawyers, can only hope for: it prioritized the best interests of a family."

By Alan Feigenbaum

8 minute read

March 05, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Let's Imagine a Ban on Prenuptial Agreements

A look at how prenuptial agreements are being interpreted and enforced by the courts in an effort to see why divorce lawyers often see these agreements as "uniquely complex legal instruments that are fraught with the potential for peril."

By Alan Feigenbaum

7 minute read