December 12, 2023 | New York Law Journal
The Exceptionally Broad Reach of New York's Franchise LawManufacturers, distributors, patent holders, consultants, retailers and others similarly situated often find themselves in business relationships that may trigger the broad reach of franchise laws. Indeed, those businesses who operate in New York would be wise to be particularly careful in light of New York's exceptionally broad statutory language.
By Marisa Rauchway and Joseph V. Saphia
6 minute read
June 01, 2022 | New York Law Journal
The 'Amgen v. Sanofi' Enablement Battle and Best Practices in Light of the Federal Circuit's §112(a) Opinion on Broad, Functional Genus ClaimsThe Supreme Court will hopefully establish clear precedent sooner rather than later, especially since the question goes to the very heart of the quid pro quo bargain that the American patent system is based upon.
By Jessica H. Zafonte and Joseph V. Saphia
12 minute read