Publication Date: 2015-09-24
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. District Court, Eastern District
Judge: District Judge Arthur Spatt
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for the Plaintiff by: Stanley Kopilow, Esq., of Counsel, Hopkins & Kopilow, Esqs., Garden City, NY.
for defendant: Attorneys for the Defendants James Olsen and Henry Marine Service, Inc. by: James Mercante, Esq., Michael E. Stern, Esq., Richard Gonzalez, Esq., Of Counsel, Rubin, Fiorella, & Friedman LLP, New York, NY. Attorneys for the Defendant Sterling Equipment, Inc. by: Ronald Betancourt, Esq., Alton James Evans, Jr., Esq., Of Counsel, Betancourt VanHemmen Greco & Kenyon LLC, New York, NY.
Case Number: 14-cv-5197
Cite as: Nassau County Bridge Authority v. Olsen, 14-cv-5197, NYLJ 1202737926984, at *1 (EDNY, Decided September 19, 2015) CASENAME Nassau County Bridge Author