Publication Date: 2011-01-11
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. District Court, Eastern District
Judge: District Judge Joanna Seybert
Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiffs: Gregory Adam Brown, Esq., Law Offices of Bruce Levinson, Esq., New York, NY Louis W. Diess, III, Esq., McCarron & Diess, Washington, DC For Intervening Plaintiffs Taylor Farms California, Potandon Produce, and Steinbeck Country Produce: Peter A. Ragone, Esq., Anthony L. Cotroneo, Esq., Rosner Nocera & Ragone, LLP, New York, NY Bart M. Botta, Esq., Rynn & Jonowsky, LLP, Newport Beach, CA For Proposed Intervenors: Milo Silberstein, Esq., Dealy & Silberstein, LLP, New York, NY
for defendant: For Defendants Mid-Island and Howard Greissman: Mark C.H. Mandell, Esq., Annandale, NJ For Defendant David Fleschner: No appearance
Case Number: 09-CV-4585(JS)(WDW)
Cite as: Basciani Foods, Inc. v. Mid Island Wholesale Fruit and Produce, Inc., 09-CV-4585(JS)(WDW), NYLJ 1202477577863, at *1 (EDNY, Decided January 3, 2011)Dis