Publication Date: 2016-09-30
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. District Court, Northern District
Judge: District Judge Gary Sharpe
Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the Plaintiff: Melody Domenica Westfall, Esq., of Counsel, Scalfone Law PLLC, Syracuse, NY.
for defendant: For the Defendants: Carl E. Christensen, Esq., of Counsel, Food Marketing Merchandising, Inc., Reach Companies, LLC, Affordable Natural, LLC, Magic Straws, LLC, Convenience Merchandising, LLC, Shatter Marketing, Inc., Diversified Consumer Goods, LLC, Jon Tollefson, and Paul Henson Christensen Law Office PLLC, Minneapolis, MN. Lee Palmateer, Esq., of Counsel, Lee Palmateer Law Office LLC, Albany, NY. Carl E. Christensen, Esq., of Counsel, Jacquet, Inc., Christensen Law Office PLLC, Minneapolis, MN.
Case Number: 5:15-cv-1410
Cite as: Stubby Strip, LLC v. Food Market Merchandising, Inc., 5:15-cv-1410, NYLJ 1202768822626, at *1 (NDNY, Decided September 26, 2016) CASENAME Stubby Strip