Publication Date: 2011-04-27
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
Judge: Before: B.D. Parker, Lynch, Lohier, Jr. JJ.
Attorneys: For plaintiff: FOR APPELLEES: COREY STOUGHTON (Arthur Eisenberg, Adriana Pinon, on the brief), New York Civil Liberties Union Foundation, New York, NY, Alan Levine, Christina Iturralde, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, New York, NY, Lee Gelernt, American Civil Liberties Union, New York, NY. FOR AMICI: Jessica Karp, National Day Laborer Organizing Network, Los Angeles, CA.
for defendant: FOR APPELLANTS: JONATHAN SINNREICH (Timothy F. Hill, on the brief), Sinnreich Kosakoff & Messina LLP, Central Islip, New York, Colin O'Donnell, Town of Oyster Bay, Oyster Bay, NY.
Case Number: 10-2505-cv
Cite as: Centro De La Comunidad v. Town Of Oyster Bay, 10-2505-cv, NYLJ 1202491729154, at *1 (2cir, Decided April 26, 2011)Before: B.D. Parker, Lynch, Loh