Publication Date: 2013-04-15
Practice Area:
Court: Appellate Division, First Department
Judge: Before: Sweeny, Jr., J.P., Saxe, Degrasse, Abdus-Salaam, Feinman, JJ.
Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Appellant-Respondent: Michael M. Milner and Alexander Statsky of Counsel, Tese & Milner, New York.
for defendant: For Respondents-Appellants: Darren P. Renner and Zachary A. Mengel of Counsel, Keidel, Weldon & Cunningham, LLP, White Plains.
Case Number: 601087/10
Cite as: Seneca Ins. Co. v. Cimran Co., 601087/10, NYLJ 1202595490352, at *1 (App. Div., 1st, Decided April 9, 2013)Before: Sweeny, Jr., J.P., Saxe, Degra