Publication Date: 2013-09-19
Practice Area:
Court: Appellate Division, First Department
Judge: Before: Sweeny, Jr., J.P., Moskowitz, Richter, Feinman, JJ.
Attorneys: For plaintiff: For appellant respondent: Mitchell R. Berger, Daniel R. Murdock and James E. Tyrrell, Jr. of counsel, Patton Boggs LLP, New York.
for defendant: For respondents-appellants: Robert J. Tolchin, and Meir Katz, Jr. of the bar of the State of Maryland and District of Columbia, admitted pro hac vice, of counsel, The Berkman Law Office, LLC, Brooklyn.
Case Number: 102026/09
Cite as: Elmaliach v. Bank of China, 102026/09, NYLJ 1202619704636, at *1 (App. Div., 1st, Decided September 17, 2013) 102026/09 Before: Sweeny, J