• Shields v. Town of Hartford

    Publication Date: 2019-07-02
    Practice Area: Employment Litigation
    Court: Supreme Court, Washington
    Judge: Justice Robert Muller
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiff: William J. White of counsel, Brennan & White, LLP, Queensbury.
    for defendant: For Defendant: Michael A. Brandi of counsel, Fitzgerald Morris Baker Firth P.C., Glens Falls.

    Case Number: 20218

    Fact Issues Exist if Worker Complied With CSL §71, If Town Waived Noncompliance Defense

  • Matter of Butler v. Granville Cent. Sch. Dist.

    Publication Date: 2019-06-25
    Practice Area: Education Law | Employment Litigation
    Court: Supreme Court, Washington
    Judge: Justice Robert Muller
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Granville Central School District, Respondent
    for defendant: For Respondent: Scott P. Quesnel of counsel, Girvin & Ferlazzo, P.C., Albany. For New York State Division of Human Rights: Marilyn Balcacer of counsel, Caroline J. Downey, New York City.

    Case Number: 29926

    Failure to Challenge DHR's Determination Within Requisite Time Period Requires Dismissal

  • Ginellen Racing Inc. v. Szarmach

    Publication Date: 2019-02-05
    Practice Area: Damages
    Court: Supreme Court, Washington
    Judge: Justice Robert Muller
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiffs Ginellen Racing Inc. and Emerald Isle Farm, Inc.: William C. McCulloh, West Babylon
    for defendant: Plaintiff pro se: James P. Curran For Defendant: Teresa A. White of counsel, Pinks, Lipshie, White & Nemeth, Hauppauge -and- For Defendant: John J. Dowd of counsel, Dreyer Boyajian, LLP, Albany

    Case Number: 28135

    Defendant Granted Dismissal of Damages Claims as Plaintiffs Lack Interest in Horses

  • Markwardt v. Town of Hartford

    Publication Date: 2018-09-18
    Practice Area: Personal Injury
    Court: Supreme Court, Washington
    Judge: Justice Robert Muller
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiff: Dana M. Boniewski, of counsel, Conway & Kirby, PLLC, Delmar
    for defendant: For Defendant: Joshua D. Lindy, of counsel, Fitzgerald, Morris, Baker & Firth,, P.C., Glens Falls

    Case Number: 23862

    Plaintiff Establishes Fact Issues Exist if Town Affirmatively Created Dangerous Condition

  • Neptune Issue Inc. Profit Sharing Plan v. Eliopolous

    Publication Date: 2018-08-14
    Practice Area: Creditors' and Debtors' Rights
    Court: Supreme Court, Washington
    Judge: Justice Martin Auffredou
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiff: Timothy P. McElduff Jr., of counsel, Drake Loeb PLLC, New Windsor
    for defendant: For Mary Ellen Eliopolous: John F. Harwick, of counsel, E. Stewart Jones Hacker Murphy, Troy, Executrix of the Estate of Thomas Eliopoulos and Mary Ellen Eliopolous, defendants

    Case Number: 25981-2016

    Plaintiff Entitled to Reformation of Mortgage to Include Two Lots in Legal Description