• I. L.H. v. A. H.

    Publication Date: 2015-09-14
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, Nassau County
    Judge: Court Attorney Referee Marie F. McCormack, Esq.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for the plaintiff: Megan E. Woolley, Esq.
    for defendant: Attorney for the defendant: Adam H. Moser, Esq. Attorney for the children: Hani M. Moskowitz, Esq.

    Case Number: [Index Number Redacted by Court]

    Cite as: I. L.H. v. A. H., [Index Number Redacted by Court], NYLJ 1202736928143, at *1 (Sup., NA, Decided August 31, 2015) CASENAME I. L.H., Plaintiff v. A. H.