• Matter of Nickisha B.,

    Publication Date: 2008-09-29
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2008-09-19
    Court: Family Court, Queens County
    Judge: John Hunt
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    Judge John M. Hunt QUEENS COUNTY Family Court Appearances of Counsel: Michael A. Cardozo, Corporation Counsel (Vanessa M. Facio-Lince of Counsel), New York City,

  • Matter of Daniel C.

    Publication Date: 2007-03-09
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2007-02-21
    Court: Family Court, Queens County
    Judge: John Hunt
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    Judge John M. Hunt QUEENS COUNTY Family Court Appearances of Counsel: Michael A. Cardozo, Corporation Counsel (Danielle M. Boccio of counsel),

  • In the Matter of Langston F., A Person Alleged to be a Juvenile Delinquent, Respondent, D-00106-07/12G

    Publication Date: 2012-07-27
    Practice Area:
    Court: Family Court, Queens County,
    Judge: Judge John Hunt
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Gladys Carrion: Diane M. Deacon and Steven E. Rieger, Commissioner, NYS Office of Children and Family Service.
    for defendant: For Presentment Agency: Rachel Glantz of Counsel, Michael A. Cardozo, Corporation Counsel. For Respondent: Adewole Agbayewa.

    Case Number: D-00106-07/12G

    Cite as: Matter of Langston F., D-00106-07/12G, NYLJ 1202564397527, at *1 (Fam., QU, Decided 3, 2012)Judge John HuntDecided:

  • In the Matter of Arnold P., A Person Alleged to be a Juvenile Delinquent, Respondent, D-17667/12

    Publication Date: 2013-05-13
    Practice Area:
    Court: Family Court, Queens County
    Judge: Judge John Hunt
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For presentment agency: Yvette Rosario and Vanessa M. Facio-Lince of counsel, Michael Cardozo, Corporation Counsel.
    for defendant: Jamaica, attorney for respondent: Lynda Augente and Irena Como of counsel, Tamara Steckler, The Legal Aid Society. For Commissioner of the Administration for Children's Services: Alan Sputz and Charles Lawson of counsel, Michael Cardozo, Corporation Counsel.

    Case Number: D-17667/12

    Cite as: Matter of Arnold P., D-17667/12, NYLJ 1202599417011, at *1 (Fam., QU, Decided April 013)Judge John HuntDecided: April

  • Matter of Aliya M., D-13171/06

    Publication Date: 2006-10-20
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2006-10-12
    Court: Family Court, Queens County
    Judge: John Hunt
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: D-13171/06

    QUEENS COUNTY Family Court The Appearances of Counsel are: Michael Cardozo, Corporation Counsel by Jessica Giambrone, Assistant Corporation Counsel, for Presentment Agen