• People v. Kaba

    Publication Date: 2022-07-08
    Practice Area: Criminal Law | Discovery
    Court: City Court, Albany
    Judge: Judge Eric Galarneau
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for the People: Robert Max Beyer, Esq., of Counsel, Hon. P. David Soares., Albany County District Attorney.
    for defendant: Attorney for the Defendant: Rebecca Harp, Esq., of Counsel, Hon. Stephen W. Herrick, Albany County Public Defender.

    Case Number: 1274-21

    People Failed to Provide Dashcam, Booking Room Videos; Dismissal Granted

  • People v. Connon

    Publication Date: 2020-12-07
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: City Court, Albany
    Judge: Judge Eric Galarneau
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for the People: Hon. Stephen W. Herrick.
    for defendant: Albany County District Attorney: Bryanne Perlanski-Brucato, Esq., of Counsel, Hon. P. David Soares. Albany County Public Defender: Jessica Gorman, Esq., of counsel.

    Case Number: 01634-20

    Unrelated Parties Deemed 'Same Family or Household' to Qualify Defendant's Crime for Bail