• Samuel v. St. John's Riverside Hosp.

    Publication Date: 2022-03-24
    Practice Area: Medical Malpractice
    Industry: Health Care
    Court: Supreme Court, Bronx
    Judge: Justice Joseph Capella
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 23144/14

    Issues of Fact Exist as to Whether Doctor Caused Decedent's Injuries

  • J.A. v. Wyckoff Hgts. Med. Ctr.

    Publication Date: 2022-02-24
    Practice Area: Medical Malpractice
    Industry: Health Care
    Court: Supreme Court, Bronx
    Judge: Justice Joseph Capella
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Plaintiffs' Attorney: Kyle Newman, Esq., James Newman, P.C., Bronx, New York.
    for defendant: Attorney for Drs. Venegas & Webbe: Alexander Guzman, Esq., Gerspach Sikoscow, LLP, New York, New York. Attorney for Wyckoff Heights: Matthew Reisman, Esq., Arshack, Hajek & Lehrman, PLLC, New York, New York.

    Case Number: 22647/19

    In MedMal Case, Issue of Fact Exists as to Relevancy of Monitoring Strips

  • Ford v. Lee

    Publication Date: 2021-03-19
    Practice Area: Medical Malpractice
    Court: Supreme Court, Bronx
    Judge: Justice Joseph Capella
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Plaintiff's Attorney: Carole R. Moskowitz, Esq., Wolf & Fuhrman, LLP, Bronx, New York.
    for defendant: Defendants' Attorney: Betty L. Atlas, Esq., Kaufman Borgeest & Ryan, LLP, Garden City, New York.

    Case Number: 25053/20

    Patient's Action Not Time-Barred Under 2018 Amendment to Malpractice Limitations Period

  • Nickey v. Grigoryan

    Publication Date: 2020-07-23
    Practice Area: Medical Malpractice
    Court: Supreme Court, Bronx
    Judge: Justice Joseph Capella
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Plaintiff's Attorney: Jordan K. Merson, Esq., Merson Law, PLLC, New York, New York.
    for defendant: Attorney for Defendants Gennadiy Grigoryan, M.D. and Greenwich Village GYN, PC: Laura M. Papa, Esq., Shaub, Ahmuty, Citrin & Spratt, LLP, Lake Success, New York. Attorney for Defendants Quest Diagnostics, Inc. and Marina Cardillo, M.D.: Michael T. Hensley, Esq., Bressler, Amery & Ross, PC, New York, New York. Attorney for Defendants Chelsea Diagnostic Radiology, PC, Susan Beatty, M.D. and Alan Bernstein, M.D.: Gabrielle L. Apfel, Esq., Heidell, Pittoni, Murphy & Bach, LLP, New York, New York.

    Case Number: 20719/17E

    Quest's Evidence Found Not Unequivocal Denying Dismissal of Medical Malpractice Action

  • Graves v. Brookdale Univ. Hosp. & Med. Cntr.

    Publication Date: 2020-03-26
    Practice Area: Medical Malpractice | Wrongful Death
    Court: Supreme Court, Bronx
    Judge: Justice Joseph Capella
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiff: Robert L. Sims, Jr., Esq., Stevens, Hinds & White, PC, New York, New York.
    for defendant: Attorney for Defendant, Tavdy: Joan M. Ruddy, Esq., Brown, Gruttadaro, Gaujean, et. al., White Plains, New York. Attorney for Defendant, Brookdale: Christiana M. Fraser, Esq., Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, et. al., New York, New York. Attorney for Dr. Chaudhry: Julia V. London, Esq. Schiavetti, Corgan, DiEdwards, et. al., White Plains, New York.

    Case Number: 306857/08

    Elements of Relation-Back Doctrine Not Satisfied Granting Dismissal of Malpractice Suit

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  • Appleyard v. Tigges

    Publication Date: 2019-12-31
    Practice Area: Medical Malpractice
    Court: Supreme Court, Bronx
    Judge: Justice Joseph Capella
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Plaintiff's Attorney: Ernest S. Buonocore, Esq., Shapiro Law Office, PLLC, Bronx, New York.
    for defendant: Attorney for Tigges & Orthopedic Associates: Wayne M. Rubin, Esq., Feldman, Kleidman, Coffey & Sappe, LLP, Fishkill, New York.

    Case Number: 24491/14

    Defendants Denied Disclosure of Settlement Agreement as Not Material, Necessary to Defense

  • Duval v. Centerlight Health Sys.

    Publication Date: 2019-09-09
    Practice Area: Civil Procedure | Trusts and Estates
    Court: Supreme Court, Bronx
    Judge: Justice Joseph Capella
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiff: Matthew T. Gammons, Esq., Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum, P.C., New York, New York.
    for defendant: Attorney for Defendant, Keser: Marco Q. Tedeschi, Esq. Kaufman Borgest & Ryan, LLP, Valhalla, New York. Attorney for Defendant, Centerlight: Grace (Sang) Hong, Esq., Rubin Sheely Paterniti, Gonzalez Kaufman, LLP, New York, New York.

    Case Number: 24017/18E

    Motion for Reinstatement of Suit Denied, More Appropriately Addressed to Prior Justice

  • Rizzo v. Estate of Polifrone

    Publication Date: 2019-08-22
    Practice Area: Medical Malpractice
    Court: Supreme Court, Bronx
    Judge: Justice Joseph Capella
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Plaintiff's Attorney: Katrina M. Jones, Esq., Phyllis Gelman & Assoc. LLC, New York, New York.
    for defendant: Attorney for Defendant, Anthony Polifrone: Braunfotel & Frendel, LLC, New City, New York. Attorney for Defendant, Estate of Joseph Polifrone: Martin, Clearwater & Bell, LLP, White Plains, New York. Attorney for Defendant, AnnaRose Polifrone: Danielle M. Pomeraniec, Esq., Koster, Brady & Nagler, LLP, New York, New York.

    Case Number: 300995/09

    Physiatrist Granted Summary Judgment Dismissal of Patient's Medical Malpractice Action

  • Graves v. Brookdale Univ. Hosp. & Med. Cntr.

    Publication Date: 2018-08-31
    Practice Area: Medical Malpractice | Wrongful Death
    Court: Supreme Court, Bronx
    Judge: Justice Joseph Capella
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiff: Robert L. Sims, Jr., Esq., Steven, Hinds & White, PC, New York, New York
    for defendant: Attorney for Defendant, Brookdale: Christiana M. Fraser, Esq., Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, et. al., New York, New York; Attorney for Defendant, Tavdy: Joan M. Ruddy, Esq., Brown, Gruttadaro, Gaujean, et. al., White Plains, New York.

    Case Number: 24030/15

    Wrongful Death Complaint Predicated on Time-Barred Medical Malpractice Claim Dismissed

  • Sanchez v. Master

    Publication Date: 2018-08-16
    Practice Area: Medical Malpractice
    Court: Supreme Court, Bronx
    Judge: Justice Joseph Capella
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiffs: James S. McCarthy, Esq., Buttafuoco & Assoc, PLLC, Woodbury, New York
    for defendant: Attorney for St. Barnabas Hospital: Myrna A. Levinson, Esq., Garbarini & Scher, PC, New York, New York; Attorney for St. Barnabas OB/GYN & Dr. Master: Brown Gruttadaro Gaujean & Prato, LLC, White Plains, New York

    Case Number: 23295/14

    Apparent/Ostensible Agency Theory Denies Hospital Dismissal of Medical Malpractice Action