• People v. Oscar R.

    Publication Date: 2022-01-21
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Supreme Court, Kings
    Judge: Justice Matthew D'Emic
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 3272/2019

    Defendant's Dangerous Mental Disorder Requires His Commitment to a Facility

  • People v. Moore

    Publication Date: 2021-07-23
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Supreme Court, Kings
    Judge: Justice Matthew D'Emic
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the People: Yvette L. Creightney of counsel, Eric Gonzalez, District Attorney, Brooklyn.
    for defendant: For the Defendant: Jillian Modzeleski, of counsel, Brooklyn Defender Services, Brooklyn.

    Case Number: 5974-2019

    Motion to Invalidate People's Certificate of Compliance for Missing Disclosures Denied

  • People v. Larkin

    Publication Date: 2021-06-07
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Supreme Court, Kings
    Judge: Justice Matthew D'Emic
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 774/2019

    Court Denies Compelling People to Release Audit Trail For Body-Camera Footage as Discovery

  • People v. Petit

    Publication Date: 2021-04-05
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Supreme Court, Kings
    Judge: Justice Matthew D'Emic
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the People: Lance Ringer, Esq., Eric Gonzalez, District Attorney Kings County, Brooklyn, NY.
    for defendant: For the Defendant: Emily Winograd Leonard, Esq., Legal Aid Society, New York City.

    Case Number: 1541-2020

    Assault, Attempted Assault Charges Found Legally Sufficient and Dismissal Denied

  • People v. Vega

    Publication Date: 2021-02-26
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Supreme Court, Kings
    Judge: Justice Matthew D'Emic
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the People: Daniela Adao, Esq., Eric Gonzalez, District Attorney Kings County, Brooklyn, NY.
    for defendant: For the Defendant: Paul Beyder, Esq., Legal Aid Society, New York City.

    Case Number: 1653-2020

    DA Afforded Defendant Reasonable Opportunity to Testify at Grand Jury, Dismissal Denied

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  • People v. Goldstein

    Publication Date: 2019-09-23
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Supreme Court, Kings
    Judge: Justice Matthew D'Emic
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the People: Jonathan Hagler, Esq., Eric Gonzalez, District Attorney Kings County, Brooklyn, NY.
    for defendant: For the Defendant: Philip J. Smallman, Esq.

    Case Number: 8410/2018

    People Denied Motion to Compel Production of Recording With Former Counsel Giving Advice

  • People v. Muniz

    Publication Date: 2019-05-24
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Supreme Court, Kings
    Judge: Justice Matthew D'Emic
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Respondent: Leonard Joblove and Sarah G. Pitts of counsel, Eric Gonzalez, District Attorney, Brooklyn.
    for defendant: Defendant Pro Se: Francisco Muniz.

    Case Number: 3213/2016

    Actus Reus of Each Offense Distinguishable From The Other, Sentence Legally Imposed

  • People v. Wooten

    Publication Date: 2019-01-18
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Supreme Court, Kings
    Judge: Justice Matthew D'Emic
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Tonya Wooten: Brian Slater, of counsel, The Legal Aid Society, Brooklyn, New York
    for defendant: Mark Pagliuco, of counsel, The People are represented by Eric Gonzalez, District Attorney, Kings County, Brooklyn, New York

    Case Number: 2053/2018

    Dismissal of Unlawful Possession of Firearm in Furtherance of Justice Rare, But Warranted

  • People v. Abdul-Wahaab

    Publication Date: 2019-01-03
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Supreme Court, Kings County
    Judge: Justice Matthew D'Emic
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the People: Andrea Orlando, Esq., Eric Gonzalez, District Attorney Kings County, Brooklyn, NY.
    for defendant: For the Defendant: Steve Williams, Esq.

    Case Number: 1319/2011

    Double Jeopardy Insulates Defendant from Further Prosecution on Petit Larceny Count

  • People v. Russell

    Publication Date: 2018-11-16
    Practice Area: Criminal Law
    Court: Supreme Court, Kings
    Judge: Justice Matthew D'Emic
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the People: Amanda Hersh, Esq., Eric Gonzalez, District Attorney Kings County, Brooklyn, NY.
    for defendant: For Defendant: Daniel Moore, Esq., The Legal Aid Society

    Case Number: 1384/2018

    Motion to Controvert Search Warrant Granted Except to Evidence Mapping Physical Location