The New Jersey Commission on Professionalism in the Law is soliciting nominations for its annual awards—the Daniel J. O-Hern Award and the Charles J. Hollenbeck Award—which recognize members of the legal community who have demonstrated the highest standards of professionalism in practice.

The O'Hern Award is presented to an attorney who is a well-respected member of the legal community and exhibits integrity, competence, high ethical standards, career achievement and service to the bar and/or community. The individual must be licensed to practice law in the state of New Jersey, and have demonstrated outstanding character and continually displayed a firm commitment to the ideals of professionalism as epitomized in the commission's Principles of Professionalism.

The award is named for the Honorable Daniel J. O'Hern, a retired associate justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court, who was an advisor to the commission from its inception in 1996 until his passing in 2009.