On behalf of its over 18,000 members, the New Jersey State Bar Association extended congratulations to Leadership Academy graduate Christine Smith on her appointment to the New Jersey Superior Court bench.

Smith is now sitting in the civil part in the Cape May County Courthouse. Prior to joining the bench, she spent over a decade as an assistant prosecutor in Cape May County and had a solo practice. She developed a program called H.O.P.E. (helping others by promoting empathy) for juvenile offenders. She has also been an active volunteer in her community, including working as an emergency room psychiatric screener and the coach of a high school mock trial team.

The state bar's Leadership Academy was established three years ago and aims to develop well-informed, committed leaders upon whom the association; state, federal and local government entities; local bar associations and community groups can call for leadership and service. Graduates must complete a year of classes on navigating ethical issues, advocacy, communication and other skills.

On behalf of its over 18,000 members, the New Jersey State Bar Association extended congratulations to Leadership Academy graduate Christine Smith on her appointment to the New Jersey Superior Court bench.