Rosemarie Arnold.

Claims filed this week against the city and state of New York over the Oct. 31 truck attack on a bike path along the Hudson River are strong enough to survive a motion to dismiss, but whether those entities can be made to pay for injuries caused by a terrorist act is ultimately seen as a jury question, observers said.

The city and state could face liability from the truck attack because they had advance notice of vehicles venturing on to the pathway where eight people were killed and 12 injured, New York personal injury lawyer Eric Turkewitz said. That makes the terrorist attack a foreseeable hazard, and the path where the deaths occurred is small enough that the government defendants could be held liable, Turkewitz said.

Government entities can be held liable in New York for design defects that lead to accidents on roadways, Turkewitz said. The claims say no barriers and only minimal signage are in place to prevent motor vehicles from driving onto the pathway. The city might tend to assert in defense that it can't be held liable for the acts of a terrorist, but that would be an issue for a jury to assess, he said.