The New Jersey State Bar Association Leadership Academy is now seeking applications for the 2018-19 class. Applications must be received on or before March 2.

The Leadership Academy is a year-long program designed to foster professional growth and enhance the leadership skills of a diverse group of attorneys. The academy's goals include: raising the level of awareness and engagement regarding concerns facing the legal profession; building relationships, networking and leadership opportunities among the future leaders of the bar of New Jersey; and fortifying the NJSBA through the development of well-informed, committed leaders who may be called upon for leadership and service.

The Leadership Academy is open to all New Jersey attorneys who have been in practice for at least five years. To achieve diversity among the participants, qualified individuals will be considered from different backgrounds, large and small law firms, the private and public sectors, and various practice areas and geographic regions of the state.

Fellows meet eight times throughout the year, culminating in a community service project and graduation ceremony at the New Jersey State Bar Association Annual Meeting and Convention in Atlantic City in May 2019. Training session dates will depend upon the schedules of the fellows. Continuing legal education (CLE) credits will be awarded for those sessions that meet mandatory CLE standards.

For tuition rates and to download an application, visit