We support S-1229, which would give annual salary raises of $8,000 to state court judges this year and in each of the next two years, and an annual cost-of-living adjustment thereafter. The last time state judges received a pay raise was in 2009, prior to the increase in pension and health care costs attributable to legislation in 2011, the litigation surrounding the constitutionality of additional contributions to judicial pensions and the constitutional amendment permitting same. According to the chief justice, contributions to the judicial retirement system increased from 3 percent to 12 percent over the last seven years, and health benefits costs increased “fourfold” to 35 percent over the same period. The chief justice noted that a pay raise was necessary to both “attract and retain the highest caliber of attorneys to continue to serve the public” and as is tradition would give county prosecutors the same increases. Because the cost-of-living adjustment would permit increases without legislative action and with annual raises over the next three years, the legislation may keep experienced and able judges who might otherwise retire when first eligible, and we recommend its adoption.