New Jersey State Bar Foundation trustee nomination deadline approaches

The deadline to be considered for positions on the New Jersey State Bar Foundation Board of Trustees is March 16. New Jersey State Bar Association members and non-lawyers can submit resumes for consideration to serve a one-year term beginning on June 14. Trustees are eligible to serve a maximum of eight terms on the board.

The foundation, the charitable and educational arm of the New Jersey State Bar Association, provides a wide variety of free, law-related education services to the public. The foundation's mission is to foster an increased awareness, appreciation and knowledge of law and the legal system among New Jersey residents; serve as the statewide resource for law-related education for the public; provide opportunities for lawyers to serve the public through the foundation's programs; and foster professionalism and pride in the profession of law through public service.

All interested candidates must request a questionnaire by sending an email to Cynthia Pellegrino at [email protected] or calling 732-937-7507.

YLD seeks nominations for annual awards

The New Jersey State Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division is seeking nominations for its annual awards. The deadline is March 16.

Each year, the division hands out four awards at the association's Annual Meeting and Convention in Atlantic City. The awards are: Service to the Community, Service to the Bar, Professional Achievement, and Young Lawyer of the Year.

Nominees must be members of the NJSBA and been engaged in the practice of law for 10 years or less or be under the age of 36, as of May 31. For more information, visit