Discovering the Digital Wallet Conventional currency, credit cards and bank accounts no longer provide a complete financial picture.

Ethical Considerations in E-Discovery: Avoiding Malpractice Claims Electronic discovery, even more so than traditional paper-based discovery, can present treacherous ethical and malpractice pitfalls for all attorneys, even those who practice at the requisite level of technological competence.

Why Cybersecurity Matters in High-Stakes Litigation Preserve, preserve, preserve … but what about protect?

Retaining Control over use of Technology-Assisted Review A look at “Winfield v. City of New York” in view of three significant TAR cases authored by S.D.N.Y. Magistrate Judge Peck, and other illustrative cases, as well as suggestions for best practices.

Has 'Inherent Authority' Survived Amended Rule 37(e)? A look at where the Third Circuit stands on spoliation of electronic evidence.