Rutgers Minority Student Program Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Minority Student Program at Rutgers Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Nearly 700 Rutgers Law School alumni, students, faculty and staff returned to Newark on April 14 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the school's pioneering Minority Student Program.

Minority Student Program at Rutgers Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Created in 1968, the program is a recognized model for educating and preparing students of color and disadvantaged students of all races for a legal career, and diversifying the legal profession.

Minority Student Program at Rutgers Celebrates 50th Anniversary

The program featured an all-day colloquium at 15 Washington St. (the law school's home from 1979-1999), followed by a gala dinner dance at the Robert Treat Hotel, with a keynote delivered by Vincent Warren (Class of '93), executive director of the Center for Constitutional Rights.  More than $900,000 was raised to endow public service internships for first-year Minority Student Program students.

Greenberg Traurig Supports PWJ Spring Gala

Greenberg Traurig Supports PWJ Spring Benefit Gal

Attorneys  from the New Jersey office of Greenberg Traurig, including co-managing partner of the firm's Florham Park office, David Jay, of counsel Andrew Scher, and associate Ilana Pearl, as well as the firm's business staff, attended the Partners for Women and Justice's 2018 Annual Spring Benefit held on May 2, 2018, at Mayfair Farms in West Orange. Greenberg Traurig was also a sponsor of the event.

Wilentz Team Runs Jersey Shore Relay

Wilentz Team Runs Jersey Shore Relay Race

Wilentz Goldman & Spitzer partners Edward Kole and Karin Sage, and associates Risa Chalfin, Bonnie Birdsell and Samantha Stillo, represented “Team Wilentz” in the 2018 RunAPalooza Jersey Shore Relay to benefit the Special Olympics of New Jersey and the Jersey Shore Dream Center. The race, held April 21, went from Seaside Heights to Asbury Park, New Jersey, on a 26-mile oceanfront course.