Selections have been made in the seventh annual New Jersey State Bar Foundation Art Show.

First place went to D. William Subin's piece, New Orleans Street Band; second place went to Scott Basen for Hands of Time; third place went to Paul A. Massaro for The Morgan Farm, Cedar Grove, NJ. In addition, the Chairs Merit Award went to Joan G. Waks for her sculpture, Sylvana Sans Seat.

Honorable mentions went to Michael I. Lubin, Arthur G. Margeotes, Christina Pateman, JoAnn Telemdschinow and Joseph A. Waks.

To see photos of the work of all the winners, follow the NJSBA Facebook page, Images will be posted there over the next several weeks.

The juried show was open to artwork created by lawyers, judges, law professors, law students and other law-related professionals. The foundation will host an Artists' Opening Reception on Thursday, Sept. 27, and all the artwork will remain on display until Oct. 26.

Foundation executive board members include Susan Feeney, NJSBF president; Norberto A. Garcia, first vice president; Kathleen N. Fennelly, second vice president; Charles J. Stoia, treasurer; Ralph J. Lamparello, secretary; and Lynne Fontaine Newsome, immediate past president.

To register for the reception, visit