The New Jersey State Bar Association's Nominating Committee invites members to apply for a vacant section/committee trustee seat on the Board of Trustees.

The position is for an unexpired term, and the selected candidate will serve from the time of nomination until May 2019. The nominated candidate may also seek re-nomination at that time for a new, two-year term. Section/committee trustees are elected from among the membership of NJSBA sections and committees.

Candidates for section/committee trustee must be NJSBA members in good standing, as well as active members of a section or committee, and, further, must secure a formal sponsorship of the section/committee they seek to represent, which may have been voted on by the entire section or committee or by the section or committee's governing body. A section or committee may sponsor only one candidate during any nominating cycle, and no more than one section/committee trustee sponsored by any one section or committee may sit on the Board of Trustees at any one time. [NJSBA Bylaws, Article VI, 4(c)Article VIII, 3(d)].

Sections and committees already represented on the Board of Trustees, that are precluded from sponsoring a candidate, include: the Casino Law Section; the Child Welfare Law Section; the Civil Trial Bar Section; the Equity Jurisprudence Committee; the Health Law Section; the Labor and Employment Law Section; the Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section and the Taxation Section.

Criteria: The Nominating Committee will use the following criteria to evaluate all candidates interested in any of the available positions: 1. Adherence to the highest standards of fairness, professional responsibility, civility and professionalism; 2. The quality of prior service to the organized bar; 3. Prior or present leadership positions and degree of effectiveness in these positions; 4. Dedication, capacity for hard work, and ability to fulfill all relevant duties; 5. Awareness of the NJSBA's internal structure, in particular the duties for the position sought; 6. Demonstrated ability to synthesize and understand extensive information; 7. Demonstrated common sense, good judgment and the ability to articulate positions intelligently; 8. Prior service to the NJSBA and its constituent parts; 9. Prior service to county and specialty bar associations; 10. Extent of practice in the state of New Jersey; 11. Geographical balance of the NJSBA leadership, 12. Recognition and understanding of the essential issues facing the organized bar, the profession, and capacity to lead in a creative, responsible fashion.

Filing Deadline: In order for a candidate to qualify for consideration by the Nominating Committee, he or she should send a letter stating the intent to seek the position of section/committee trustee and requesting a questionnaire for consideration as a candidate before the Nominating Committee. All letters should include an email address for the candidate.

Upon receipt of such a request, a questionnaire will be forwarded by email, along with the required Section/Committee Trustee Sponsorship Form. Both the questionnaire and the sponsorship form must be completed and returned no later than 12 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 27.

All letters should be directed to: Ralph J. Lamparello Esq., chair, Nominating Committee, New Jersey State Bar Association, New Jersey Law Center, One Constitution Square, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1520, Attn: Angela C. Scheck, executive director.

Letters may be emailed to the NJSBA, as addressed above, to [email protected] or sent by fax to 732-828-0024, with the original following. Inquires may be directed to Angela Scheck at 732-937-7500 or [email protected].