Beth Rose

Beth Rose chairs the products liability practice, co-chairs the litigation department, and leads the women's initiative at Sills Cummis & Gross in Newark. She was also the youngest lawyer, and only the second woman, to be elected to the firm's management committee. She has developed a reputation at the firm for advancing female colleagues in the profession, and beyond, for her role handling significant products litigation matters for clients in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, among others.

What's your single best piece of advice for handling a crisis?

Develop a plan, stay the course and breathe. Grit and grace will get you through it.

Name a mentor or someone you admire, and why. 

My  mother, Lois Rose, who taught me the value of family, commitment, hard work and to reach for the stars.

Best advice you ever got…

It's a marathon, not a sprint. You often learn more from your failures than from your success.

In 50 words or less, what does the legal profession need to do to improve opportunities for women lawyers?

Be proactive and prioritize the recruitment, training, mentoring, retention, promotion and compensation of talented women lawyers. Arm them with the tools and opportunities to succeed at business development. Elevate them to leadership positions so that they can serve as role models for the younger generation. Set internal goals and be accountable for meeting them.