Every November we release our listing of the state’s largest law firms and offices, and at the same time take stock and present again to you, the readers, some of our most important data projects from the preceding months. For us, it’s a rewarding way to (almost) end the year because, in putting NJ Law together, we get a glimpse at many large, midsize and small law firms in the state—many names you probably know well or have heard before—while also taking another look at projects like Top 40, Top Personal Injury Results, and Summer Hiring. These are signature projects for the Law Journal. We do them not simply out of habit or tradition, but because they continue to have value. We hear about them from readers. Readers care about them. And so do we.

For help with the Largest Law Firms project, we owe thanks to the law firms who respond to our surveys and inquiries, as well as the ALM Intelligence group, who are a terrific resource for the Law Journal and its sibling publications.