Legal Administrators Learn About Crisis Management

Legal Administrators Learn About 'Crisis' Management “HANDLING MEDIA IN TIMES OF CRISIS”: Pictured are, from left to right: Cindy Landis, Office Administrator of Gennet Kallmann Antin Sweetman & Nichols, P.C.; Gayle P. Englert, Chief Human Resources Officer of Cole Schotz P.C.; Corey Saban; Karen Surgent, CFO of Davison Eastman Munoz Lederman & Paone PA; and Tommy J. Kaminski, Office Administrator of Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP.

The NJALA Association of Legal Administrators presented “How to Deal with the Media in Times of Crisis” on Nov. 13, 2018, at the Highlawn Pavilion in West Orange. Corey Saban, an Emmy-nominated former television news reporter, presented an interactive session in which participants learned how to respond to media inquiries when their firms are in the news due to internal crises. 

Greenbaum Rowe Women's Leadership Forum Talks 'Fashion for Female Professionals'

Greenbaum Rowe Women's Leadership Forum Hosts Talk on “Fashion for Female Professionals” FASHION FUNDAMENTALS FOR FEMALE PROFESSIONALS: Pictured from left to right are: Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis Women's Leadership Forum members Kersten Kortbawi, Emily Kaller, Nancy Isaacson, Maureen Montague, Jackie Printz, Jemi Lucey, guest speaker Sharon Kornstein, Green Rowe WLF members Erin Faltin, Ellen Amon, Jessica Flynn, Irene Hsieh, Diana Parker and Cameryn Hinton, on Nov. 28, 018 at Bloomingdale's at the Mall at Short Hills, New Jersey.

The Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis Women's Leadership Forum hosted a special event on Nov. 28, 2018, at Bloomingdale's in the Short Hills Mall. The guest speaker for “Fashion Fundamentals for the Professional Female” was Sharon Kornstein, a professional image consultant.

Laddey Clark's Leo Teaches at Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations

Laddey Clark's Leo Teaches Course at Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations Ursula H. Leo                                  [Photo Credit:Kaylee Ariel Photography.]
Ursula H. Leo , a partner with   Laddey Clark & Ryan , in Sparta, and chair of the firm's employment and labor practice and government services groups, taught “Bias and Discrimination” as part of the Labor and Employment Law Certificate course offerings at the Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations in New Brunswick. Among the topics she explored were the legal definitions of disability, legal requirements of reasonable accommodation, what constitutes disparate gender and race treatment; and issues of concern to union representatives.  Leo is the municipal attorney for Newton, Green Township, Stanhope Borough and the Lafayette Township Land Use Board. She represents individuals and developers in applications before planning and zoning boards, and various government entities.