General members of the New Jersey State Bar Association are eligible to vote in an election for a candidate to serve as the NJSBA's representative to the American Bar Association.

The selected candidate will serve in a seat that is designated for a young lawyer. It is for a two-year term.

There are two candidates: Corey J. Gaul, who was nominated by the NJSBA Board of Trustees, and Brandon Lee Wolff, who was nominated by petition. 

To be counted, ballots must be received by 5 p.m., Thursday, April 5.

Voting is being administered by Intelliscan Inc.

Members can ask questions about online voting, or request to vote by paper ballot, by calling the NJSBA's dedicated election information line at 732-964-1839 or sending an email to [email protected].

Paper and electronic ballots must be received no later than 5 p.m., April 5, in order to be counted.

To find out more about the election and candidates, visit