Lindabury's Petite Provides Pro Bono Aid to Twin Brothers

Lindabury Associate Provides Pro Bono Aid to Twin Brothers PETITE JOINS COMMUNITY TEAM: Elizabeth Candido Petite and her daughter (fourth from left) joined by (from left to right) Other Fellow First Foundation Trustee Jordan Glatt; Caroline Maldonado, licensed certified public accountant; Other Fellow First Foundation President Brett Haire; and Sarah Kimber, administrative assistant, seen outside The Summit Diner on March 5. [Photo Credit: Greg Elliott.]
Associate Elizabeth Candido Petite at Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook & Cooper in Westfield joined a team of community leaders to provide ongoing pro bono legal assistance to the Other Fellow First Foundation during its quest to raise money for twin brothers Edward and Edwin Roman, 24, of Summit, both diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. Both recently received left ventricular-assist devices and are candidates for heart transplants. Petite's assistance included the creation of a trust using current and future donations from a GoFundMe page set up to help pay for the twins' mounting medical expenses, according to a release.

Riker Danzig Honored by CIANJ

Riker Danzig Honored by CIANJ with Champion of Good Works Award RIKER HONORED FOR GOOD WORKS: Pictured with Senior (left) and Karmel (right) are Jamie Bruno and Emilio Panasci from Planting Seeds of Hope, March 19 at Nanina's In The Park in Belleville.                                                    [Photo Credit: Russ DeSantis Photography and Video, LLC.]
Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland & Perretti  was honored as a “Champion of Good Works” at the Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey's “Companies That Care” gala on March 19 a t Nanina's In The Park in Belleville. Riker Danzig was honored specifically in connection with its pro bono work for Planting Seeds of Hope (PSH), a Newark nonprofit focusing on urban agriculture and food justice. Steven T. Senior and Matthew A. Karmel  from the firm's environmental law group helped to propose regulatory amendments to reduce permitting requirements for small-scale composting activities at community gardens, and are working with the state on a pilot program to demonstrate the benefits of expanded composting activities at community gardens, a release noted. Karmel accepted the award on behalf of Riker, which has also received “Champion of Good Works” awards in 2018 and 2016. CIANJ President Anthony Russo said, “These caring companies embody the Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey's mission to make the Garden State a better place to live, work and raise a family.”

McCarter Donates Offices for VLJ

McCarter Donates Offices for VLJ's Growing Staff VLJ GROWS TO ACCOMMODATE PRO BONO WORK: The VLJ staff, left to right: Tracy Nelson, Jaclyn Kramer, Gina Damasco (partially hidden), Stella Lyubarsky, Taniesha Bermudez, Diana Onuschak, Allison Nolan, Jessica Kitson, Cathy Keenan (executive director), Kelsey Lee, Emily Balan, Joselyn Chavez. Not pictured: Nari Wang, Jessica Limbacher, Michelle Smith and Karen Robinson.

In an announcement, Volunteer Lawyers for Justice thanked McCarter & English for donating a larger space in Newark in 2018 to accommodate VLJ's expanding staff. The organization also credited McCarter with being one of its top volunteer and financial supporters. VLJ specifically recognized firm attorneys Joseph Boccassini, Geoffrey Rosamond, Michelle Movahed and Michael Schetlick, as well as Nicholas Insua, formerly of McCarter.