Camden County Bar Hosts 'Adopt-a-Family' Party 

Camden County Bar Hosts CAMDEN BAR FOUNDATION HOSTS 'ADOPT-A-FAMILY' PARTY: The Camden County Bar Foundation hosted its annual Adopt-a-Family party on December 20, 2019, at the Foundation's headquarters in Cherry Hill, NJ. Over 100 families were provided holiday food and presents by court employees, attorneys and law firms in the Camden County area. [Courtesy Photo.]
For the 29 th straight year, the Camden County Bar Foundation hosted its annual "Adopt-a-Family" party on Dec. 20, 2019, at the foundation's headquarters in Cherry Hill. Nearly 100 families were "adopted" by court employees, attorneys and law firms from throughout South Jersey to provide gifts and food for the holidays, the foundation said. Since 1986, the Camden County Bar Foundation has sought to meet the needs of those in need and to foster a greater understanding of the legal system. Backed by volunteers' efforts, the charitable arm of the Camden County Bar Association aims to help strengthen communities, the foundation said.  

Javerbaum Wurgaft Holds Holiday Food Drive

Javerbaum Wurgaft Holds Holiday Food Drive JAVERBAUM WURGAFT HOLDS HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE: Pictured are partner David L. Wikstrom (at left) and managing partner Eric G. Kahn (at right) on December 17, 2019, at the firm's office in Springfield.[Courtesy Photo.]
Javerbaum Wurgaft Hicks Kahn Wikstrom & Sinins