Intelliscan, Inc., which administered the recent voting on a proposal to update the New Jersey State Bar Association's (NJSBA) bylaws regarding General Council (GC) and the time by which the Board of Trustees must designate underrepresented groups, reported the results of voting as follows:

The amendment received:

  • 1,418 yes votes;
  • 335 no votes; and
  • 7 abstentions.

The proposal passed, receiving the necessary two-thirds majority required for adoption.

Voting began March 19 and concluded at 5 p.m. March 26. Nearly 15,800 general members of the NJSBA were eligible to vote. Voters could cast their ballot either electronically or using a paper ballot. A total of 1,760 votes were cast, exceeding the 1,244 votes cast in the 2018 bylaws vote.

The bylaws amendment is effective immediately.

The amendment was based upon recommendation of the General Council Executive Committee, and after consultation with county and affinity bar groups, as well as the NJSBA's Diversity Committee and the NJSBA Board of Trustees. It dissolves the GC. The change was made in recognition of a more inclusive NJSBA Board of Trustees, technological advances that make communication easier, and low participation in recent GC activities. Under the change, the size of the Nominating Committee remains the same, but the intent of the GC's role in the Nominating Committee makeup will be maintained through the designation of GC's two seats for: a member from an underrepresented group and a general member of the NJSBA.

In addition, to allow for more meaningful analysis each year, the time for designation of underrepresented groups by the Board of Trustees is extended to be consistent with the timeframe for other nomination and election policies.