NJSBA releases guides to help law firms safely return to the workplace

As law firms begin to reopen and staff begin to return to the workplace, the New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA) released a collection of online reports that provide practical recommendations and guidance.

The NJSBA Pandemic Task Force Committee on Law Firm Opening and Operations prepared the reports, which are meant to help the New Jersey legal profession maintain safe and healthy law office environments for lawyers, employees, clients and other visitors.

The collected guidance reflects comprehensive review and analysis of the best practices and strategies to help New Jersey's lawyers. The material is interactive, with links to resources, case law, and sample letters and signage. Information on a multitude of issues such as daily employee health tracking, law office social distancing practices, appropriate communications with employees, how people should conduct themselves in elevators, what to do when an employee tests positive, cybersecurity insurance policy issues, and what people need to consider about whistleblower complaints is also included. Additionally, the reports highlight best practices for avoiding liability.

"We are entering the next chapter in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Reopening a firm, whether large or small, will require planning and careful consideration to ensure that everyone who works at a firm or is served by one is protected and safe," said Christine A. Amalfe, chair of the committee and NJSBA secretary.

"We understand the need for law firms to open their offices and get employees back to work, and have tried to provide meaningful guidance as leadership navigates these uncertain times.

"We have tapped the wisdom of firms and experts around New Jersey to provide the best and most current guidance, designed to help the legal profession return to the workplace while accommodating government and scientific guidelines essential to protecting the health of the public," she said.

The committee offers guidance on nine topics:

  • Health Screening and Monitoring
  • Law Office Workplace Logistics
  • Best Practices Regarding EEO Issues
  • Multi-Tenanted Facilities
  • Considerations for Insurance Policyholders
  • Whistleblower Complaints
  • Communications Strategies
  • Legal Liability Considerations
  • Changes to Handbooks, Policies and Procedures

The committee noted that the reports are meant to be a starting point. The circumstances relating to COVID-19 change daily, and local, state and federal guidance is modified to address those changing circumstances.

The reports are available at njsba.com.