The following is a sampling of recommendations contained in the nine reports made by the NJSBA Pandemic Task Force on what law firms should do to ensure employees' safety when returning to the workplace.

  • Consider how best to conduct daily health checks and symptom screening of employees before they commence work on site.
  • To the extent feasible, allow employees to work remotely if they can effectively perform their job duties and functions from that environment.
  • Office doors should be kept closed while occupied. Office occupancy should be limited to one person at a time.
  • Do not disclose the name or identity of an employee who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who reports exposure to or symptoms of COVID-19, except to those with a legitimate need to know this information.
  • In buildings with multiple entrances, one entrance should be designated for entrance and monitored during normal business hours to ensure compliance with building rules.
  • Entrance doors should be left open during normal business hours to maximize outdoor air flow.
  • Elevator occupancy must be limited—depending on elevator size—to ensure social distancing. Signage should be placed outside elevators and markings placed inside, on elevator floors, for appropriate distancing. Talking should be discouraged while in the elevator and elevator buttons should not be pressed with bare fingers.