I would say we have been extremely fortunate at Patterson + Sheridan in weathering the pandemic, partly because our client service model regularly causes us to spend significant time at our clients' offices and laboratories, so we were already adept at working remotely prior to the pandemic. Additionally, the firm has already experienced situations in which hurricanes, flooding and power outages closed one or more of our offices for significant periods of time.

For example, here in Shrewsbury, when Hurricane Sandy blew through, our office building had no power for a week, but our firm's backup generator and dedicated, secure communication lines, enabled work to be completed with minimal interruption. Vigilant against the constant cybersecurity threats and the obligation to keep our clients' most valued intellectual property protected, the firm has constructed a remarkably robust technology system that provides us with complete communication services and secure access to our files whether we are physically in or out of the office. We already owned the hardware and had the bandwidth to bring our entire 160-person firm online simultaneously with essentially no loss of connectivity speeds or access.