Utilizing telehealth platforms to deliver health-care services is an area of recent, rapid expansion. Since the worldwide spread of COVID-19, safe access to health-care services has been limited, and demand for telehealth services has surged. Alexander GC, et al., Use and Content of Primary Care Office-Based vs Telemedicine Care Visits During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the US, JAMA Net Open (Oct. 2020) (number of telemedicine consultations increased thirtyfold to more than 35 million in 2020's second quarter). According to Epstein Becker Green's 2020 Telemental Health Laws survey, this year alone, many providers and patients transitioned to using telehealth platforms out of necessity. Regulators implemented measures to increase access to health care through telehealth, including waivers and other regulatory modifications related to professional licensure and use of telehealth technology, and in some cases amendments to existing and/or enacted new regulations focused on telehealth utilization.