It is indisputable that there is a crisis of abuse, overdose and addiction to opiates and illicit drugs. Last year there were more than 3,000 drug overdose deaths in New Jersey. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that individuals have begun or increased drug use during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a consensus that the enforcement of criminal laws to address the problems of drug dependent persons is inadequate and counterproductive.

In Philadelphia a nonprofit organization known as Safehouse is seeking to open facilities where drug addicts can go to use their own drugs in medically supervised consumption rooms and receive sterile equipment with staff available to offer medical treatment and referrals to other services. If necessary there will be immediate interventions with drug reversal agents to prevent fatal doses. Counsellors, recovery specialists and social workers would be available to encourage treatment. Legal safe injection sites have opened in other countries and have been proven to be beneficial.