As we enter a post-pandemic environment, the path for private practice lawyers to attract new clients may be forever changed. With a newfound sense of what is truly important in life, clients and referral sources have less time and patience for superficial interaction and are looking for deeper connections. This mindset is translating into how lawyers need to develop business. The days of straightforward lead swapping are being replaced by a more meaningful approach known as relationship marketing.


Bye Bye, Business Networking

Traditional business networking is a little dance. A card for a card. A referral for a referral. There's no emphasis on getting to know people. This might be successful in the short term for those whose businesses involve quick transactions, but how strong is that sort of connection for lawyers? How many business cards do you have gathering dust on your desk? (Go ahead and count them, we'll wait!)

Even worse, some lawyers take the "used car" sales approach to business development. In this model, you may be doing things in exchange for specific outcomes based on reciprocity, and focusing on lead exchanges and quid pro quo referrals, which makes those in your networking circles merely a means to an end.