Hiding assets in divorce may be nothing new. However, where many deceptive spouses choose to stash hidden assets is. It's cryptocurrency (or crypto), a largely unregulated and anonymous form of digital cash. 

Approximately 41% of all U.S. adults who combine finances with a partner admit to some degree of financial deception, according to a 2018 report from The National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). This is especially common when divorce is on the horizon. Sometimes the more financially savvy spouse begins to dissipate assets in various ways—moving funds to hard-to-find locations; transferring funds to relatives or close friends; under-reporting income on tax returns or financial statements; overpaying the IRS or a creditor and planning to claim the refund after divorce; deferring bonuses or commissions; making large expenditures on easily overlooked assets; transferring investments into a "dummy" company; or setting up custodial accounts for children. The list goes on.