As noted in Part I of this series, people might be interested in a platonic parenting arrangement for a number of different reasons. Some participants believe that by avoiding marriage or more "traditional" partnerships, they protect themselves from the risk of divorce litigation or other family court proceedings. Some further believe that by reducing a platonic parenting plan to a written agreement signed by both parties, the document  would somehow completely shield and immunize them against the possibility of contentious, expensive, and emotionally stressful court battles. 

Such a sweeping  belief, however, is  inaccurate, especially if the "platonic" parents who entered the agreement  become "feuding and contentious" parents over any number of child-related issues that may arise. In such circumstances, when dealing with the best interest of children, family courts generally have an inherent ability, upon application, to review written parenting agreements, and if deemed appropriate and reasonable, to enter orders with provisions different from the original agreement.