Midwest Tungsten, a supplier of metal for industrial uses, recently paired a blockchain with a 14.545-inch, 2,000-pound cube of tungsten to produce a non-fungible token (NFT). Assets that are digitally transferrable between two parties via blockchain are commonly referred to as "tokens." An NFT is a crypto asset or "token" that represents or points to a physical or digital asset such as art, videos, land or, in this case, a cube of tungsten. NFT for tangible assets give rise to a range of legal liability issues including those related to asset storage, transfer, visitation rights (in the case of tangible NFTs), privacy rights, as well as related costs.

These tokens are designated as "non-fungible" because they are not interchangeable for other items; they are unique. Bitcoins, which also are blockchain assets, are not unique and are therefore fungible. One bitcoin, like one dollar bill, has the same characteristics as another; they are readily exchangeable because they are of exactly equal value.