NJSBA HQ NJSBA headquarters, New Brunswick, NJ. Credit: Google

Capitol Report: Flurry of bills await governor's signature

On the final day of the lame duck session that ended last week, the Legislature moved a number of bills that will change the practice of law in certain areas.

• Refunds as property tax credits

The New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA) initially opposed A-862 (Chiaravalloti)/S-926 (Pennacchio), which permits municipalities to refund excess property taxes paid by a ­taxpayer who wins an assessment appeal as a tax credit. As written, the bill also applied to residential properties. The governor conditionally vetoed the bill to remove residential properties and to make the refund by way of property tax credits refundable only to nonresidential real property over a three-year period. This would apply to refunds exceeding $100,000. The NJSBA worked with the sponsors on amended language. The bill will take effect immediately upon the governor's signature.