In the two months since the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC) launched the Garden State's first adult use cannabis application process, the CRC has reported that the online merchant licensing application portal has been consistently operational and accepting applications with the exception of occasional routine system maintenance. Many in the Garden State wonder what comes next; this article explores the CRC data and looks ahead as the framework continues to unfold. 

A Look at the CRC's Portal Data

At a January 27 public meeting, the CRC reported that 1,800 portal user accounts had been established and 336 total applications had been submitted through the portal. As far as license type, 87% of these applications pertain to conditional licenses and 13% for the annual standard business license. Of the 336 applications, 154 have been identified as "diversely owned business applications" based on the applicants' self-identification. The CRC will closely review the applications to verify the required certification for an applicant to be designated as a diversely-owned business.