There are a number of factors that go into generating success as a local law firm. You are fighting to be viewed before your competitors, and to be seen by prospective clients as more knowledgeable, more successful, and more professional—all qualifiers manifested via your website. One factor, however, that rarely seems to be considered is your online accessibility. How can you make your user experience the best it can be for all potential clients, and lead with empathy and equity as you demonstrate your knowledge? That's where your law firm's SEO strategy comes into play.

What Does Accessibility Mean?

The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 dictates that individuals with physical or mental disabilities are protected by law from discrimination and are entitled to equal access to goods and services. While the internet is not specifically cited in the ADA, as a business whose services can and should be used by anyone and everyone, your search for potential clients should include and extend to individuals protected by the ADA. Not to mention, the Act's language is broad enough that internet-based businesses and websites do fall under the legislation. Despite the fact that web pages are not specifically cited in the ADA, there has been a steady rise in website accessibility lawsuits over the years, and that number will only grow as people become more vocal about their needs. If you've created a truly inaccessible environment, your firm could see a lawsuit or regulatory enforcement action citing anti-discrimination laws. Further, there is a strong possibility that the ADA's jurisdiction over websites might become explicit in the not-so-distant future. Updating your law firm's website now is not only prudent for attracting and aiding prospective clients now, but could also save you trouble in the long run.