With only two weeks remaining before the commencement of the next New Jersey court term, we find it an outrageous betrayal of the public interest that the governor has not yet made two of three nominations necessary to fill the vacancies on the New Jersey Supreme Court, and his nominee for one of the vacancies has not yet had a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The president of the New Jersey State Bar Association has recently and properly called the situation "historic" and "catastrophic." As she asked, "Can you imagine any profession operating with a forty-three percent vacancy?"

The governor and Senate leaders must meet and resolve whatever problems are holding up the nominations, and have extra sessions of the Senate to consider the appointments. Neither the governor nor Senate should abandon the appointment and confirmation of the most qualified people and should continue to maintain the quality of appointments to our Supreme Court, but the discussions between the executive and legislative branches must now become a focused priority in Trenton. For the good of the public, let's finally break the logjam and get it done.