Now that Memorial Day weekend has come and gone, many attorneys may be thinking, "vacation, all I ever wanted" (hat tip to The Go-Go's). We are the first to say that taking a break and getting away from our stressful lives during the summer is important for attorney well-being. Perhaps even more critically, firms and other legal employers should support lawyers, including young lawyers, in taking some time away.

However, this is one part of what should be an ongoing effort to address attorney mental health. The month of May marked Mental Health Awareness Month, during which Bar organizations held many helpful events on the topic. This emphasis on mental health should extend to all 12 months and 365 days of the year. Recent statistics continue to show that lawyers exhibit high rates of mental health concerns, and we are further alarmed by these statistics among young lawyers. By way of example, the Putting Lawyers First Task Force of the New Jersey State Bar Association issued a report in March of this year, which was based on a survey that solicited over 1600 responses from New Jersey lawyers.