What do former Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, five former members of Congress (two Republicans and three Democrats), the ACLU of New Jersey, the Brennan Center, the Cato Institute, the Rainey Center, and the Libertarian Party of New Jersey, along with a top Democratic election lawyer and a former Bush administration legal counsel all have in common?

At first glance, one might say, nothing at all. In fact, this unusual group—along with top scholars from Princeton, Rutgers and elsewhere—are on the same side of a question that will likely soon be before the New Jersey Supreme Court: whether the state's century-old laws preventing political parties from cross-nominating candidates on the ballot violate the New Jersey Constitution. These "anti-fusion voting" laws are being challenged by a group of disaffected Republican and independent voters and the New Jersey Moderate Party. All New Jerseyans who worry about growing polarization in America should be paying close attention.